Citeren Antonio De Maglio <>:


I have as  mail server pmdf.

Users can connect to server with pop or imap protocol.

I send myself an e-mail  by  outlook with doc attachment.

In horde webmail If I connect to my account as imap I have  icons to
download doc file.

If I connect and  open mail sent to myself  as pop I have not the download

I notes that I have:

nomefile.doc (1 KB)

the size of this file is not 1Kb.

If I connect as Imap I have the correct size(and download icons).

I have:

Horde (horde)
<>  5.1.6

Posta (imp) <>

In horde/config/mime_drivers.php I have:

'msword' => array(

        // Disabled by default

        'disable' => false,

         'handles' => array(




        'icons' => array(

            'default' => 'msword.png'


        // REQUIRED: Location of the AbiWord binary

        'location' => '/usr/bin/abiword'


And I have installed abiword and it's in /usr/bin/abiword

I hope that I write in correct mailing list. Sorry if it is not.

What is your question?


Antonio De Maglio


Dott. Antonio De Maglio

Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo" (ISTI)

Italian National Research Council (CNR)

via G. Moruzzi, 1 - 56124 Pisa, Italy Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa

Skype: antonio_demaglio

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