Quoting John H. Bennett III <benne...@thebennetthome.com>:


I'm testing out ActiveSync and things seem to be working more or less. One thing that I have noticed is when I send an email from my device, the person getting the email shows that the from name is my userid. When I send an email from imp, the from is displayed as what I have configured for my default identity. Is there something I need to do with my ActiveSync settings to get it to show something other than my userid, or is what how things work?

Some EAS clients only send the email address, and not the full "name" <email> form. Horde attempts to work around this by substituting the From information from the identity selected in the 'activesync_identity' pref. If it's not found, we fall back to the value supplied from the client. My guess? You don't have the activesync_identity pref set, or the identity you have selected does not contain the desired information.

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