Citeren Systeembeheer BCS <>:

Citeren Arjen de Korte <>:

Citeren Systeembeheer BCS <>:

Using imp for authentication with dovecot IMAP, working fine. But now I
would like to make use of dovecot's allow_nets feature to restrict
logins from certain ip's. To make that work, imp should pass the
client's ip (as seen by apache) to dovecot during authentication, but
instead it passes for both lip and rip. Any way to change

No. Horde doesn't pass the connecting IP to Dovecot. This is determined
by Dovecot itself, by looking at the local and remote IP for the socket
that is used for communication.

Ah, thanks. Looks like I have to switch to another auth mechanism instead to get this working.

What are you trying to accomplish? Do you want to restrict the IP's from where your users can connect to Horde? In that case, a .htaccess file placed in the directory where Horde lives may be what you're looking for:

<Limit GET POST>
 order deny,allow
 deny from all
 allow from

This will allow everyone from the network access and denies all others.

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