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Zitat von James Woodward <>:

Quoting Jan Schneider <>:

Zitat von James Woodward <>:

All -
Using HTML Messaging.
When I add an attachment 20 to 40 lines of space appear after the body
The result is the Attachment Icon is pushed very far down the page.
Please advise on what maybe causing this.

I'm not sure what you mean, because we don't add an attachment icon to
HTML messages when adding an attachments. Such icons are usually added
by the receiving mail client, but you didn't mention which client this
is either.

Thank you for responding.
To be clear, the attachment and its associated icon are located at the
bottom of the email. Therefore, to open the attachment, in this case a pdf
file, I have to scroll down approximately 30 lines to see the attachment. Also, the email sending and receiving client are both IMP. That is, I am
sending the email to myself.

However, when I send an email from Gmail with the same pdf attachment. to
the same account (my account with the IMP Client), the lines and or space
Do Not appear. The attachment appears directly below the text. Additionally, when I send the same email from my IMP client to Gmail the
extra lines Do Not appear.

In my original message, I made the assumption that this was a known problem
- I should not have. I will be happy to provide more information if necessary.

Can you provide a screenshot or something?

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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