This doesn't fully answer your question, but this is how I rebind Y:

    (define-key evil-normal-state-map "Y" 'evil-yank-end-of-line)

On 3/24/15, Ernst de Hart <> wrote:
> Hello Evil users,
> The key 'D' in normal mode, deletes the line after the cursor.
> I would like to make the key 'Y' consistent with this. So I wrote a
> function for this, after finding out the command that's called after every
> key action with "C-h k".
> So, I came with this:
>         (defun my-make-Y-key-working ()
>            (interactive)
>             (evil-visual-char)
>             (evil-end-of-line)
>             (evil-yank BEG END)
>             (evil-exit-visual-state)
>           )
> But it gives me an error on evil-yank, he don't accept BEG END as input.
> The evil-yank command requires parameters on the place of BEG and END, but
> I couldn't figure out what the input should be then.
> I found nothing in the documentation about this.
> Next to solving the issue with BEG END, what would be your suggestion in
> which way could I figure such problems out in the future? Thanks in advance
> for your reply. It's appreciated.
> Ernst

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