For some modes I find it more convenient to be in Emacs state and add
some key Evil mappings as needed, like so:

    ;; start the Package Menu in Emacs mode, add some Evil mappings
    (evil-set-initial-state 'package-menu-mode 'emacs)
    (evil-add-hjkl-bindings package-menu-mode-map 'emacs
      (kbd "/")       'evil-search-forward
      (kbd "n")       'evil-search-next
      (kbd "N")       'evil-search-previous)

This works quite nicely, except for one thing, I'm not finding a
way to Navigate up & down in the search history initiated by /
('evil-search-forward). I have in my init file this:

    (setq evil-search-module 'evil-search)

Which allows such navigation through search history -- but only when
in Evil vi states, not when evil-set-initial-state is set to 'emacs.

Any suggestions re how to achieve this in Emacs state?



John Magolske

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