Clifford (and Paul),

Thanks for the feedback and recommendations!

We will look at adding the address tags to the building ways where there is 
only one address.  (That is what we did for the previous import for Redlands, 
CA that I referenced on the wiki, and it worked well.)  The only concern here 
is that most of these address points do not intersect the buildings so there 
will need to be more careful spatial join, but it should be possible.  For the 
city name, all of the buildings fall within the city limits so it will be 
simple to append the correct value.

Regarding the license, I have explicit permission from the City and can include 
that on the wiki.  I am awaiting feedback on the specific license to use, and 
was planning to include that before proceeding with the import (as with 

Regarding the why … Esri is currently hosting an OpenStreetMap vector tile 
service that we make publicly available.  We will soon be making some 
additional OSM feature services publicly available, with individual layers such 
as buildings and addresses.  We are also working on additional services, such 
as geocoding.  The addition of these types of building and address datasets 
will make each of these services more useful, while hopefully enhancing OSM for 
other use cases as well.  For the City, I think they would just like to see the 
OSM map of Flagstaff continue to improve and are happy to share their open data 
to support that.  We would like to help enable and encourage other GIS users to 
do the same.


From: Clifford Snow <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 7:08 PM
To: Deane Kensok <>
Subject: Re: [Imports-us] City of Flagstaff Buildings Import

I agree with Paul Norman's recommendation to add the address information to the 
building outline if there is only one address.

As he also requested, the data license must be compatible with ODbL or explicit 
permission, in writing and document on the wiki, must be obtained. I can't 
stress how important this is.

The wiki mentions that addr:city will be populated from on Census Populated 
Places data. Typically it is the postal city. If you are just importing for the 
city of Flagstaff that likely isn't an issue.

On a side note, I'm curious why ESRI is running this import. Could you help us 
understand why and what ESRI and the City of Flagstaff are hoping to gain? With 
the next SotM US [1] to take place in Tucson, I hope you'll present what you 
learned at the conference.



On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 5:26 PM Deane Kensok 
<<>> wrote:


I am planning to do an import of building footprints and addresses for the City 
of Flagstaff, Arizona, USA.  The proposed import plan is below:


The source data is provided by the City of Flagstaff under an open data 
license. The City is aware of the proposed import to OSM and has given explicit 
permission.  The City has shared the latest buildings and address data this 
month and we are doing some data preparation work now.

Please let me know of any questions or concerns.



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