Hi Sam,

2009/10/11 Sam Vekemans <acrosscanadatra...@gmail.com>:
> Taken, into context, we are building the maps at 1st by hand, and THEN as
> data becomes available, we can use the available data to 'improve on the
> existing map'.   (how i interpret that is to 1 - provide the data in .osm
> format, then 2 - make this data available on a ftp server somewhere (ie.
> mediafire)

Are you still using mediafire?  www.openstreetmap.pl has plenty of
space that I would like to put to good use, but the link is a little
slow.  If you want you can copy the data for imports to this server
and tell people to download from there.  Or you can log in and run the
conversion scripts directly on the server if you like.  If you decide
to use it let me know (or anybody else who needs a lot of space for
OSM-related usage), I understand however that downloads from mediafire
servers are faster.


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