2010/1/1 andrzej zaborowski <balr...@gmail.com>:
>> * All these polygons have overlapping ways. This should be avoided
>> because it creates tones of duplicate nodes/ways. Each polygon should
>> be split in single ways and the area defined with a relation.
>> According to the description, mapshaper will do that to. There may be
>> a way to do this with postgis or through a Perl script.
> You can use ogr2osm to convert from shapefile to .osm deduplicating
> common nodes and ways and creating multipolygons as appropriate.

By the way, Frederik Ramm and Anthony have both posted PostGIS + perl
scripts to do the same thing, on this list or the talk list.  The
scripts do work but are a little more difficult to get running and
they both assume that all ways are duplicates and don't allow triple
and more overlapping ways such as when you're dealing with
administrative boundaries of more than one level.


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