On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:
>> 2) Should the tags for the feature I care about be on the
>> multi-polygon or the outer polygon?
> It is better if it goes on the multipolygon, because theoretically the
> outer ring might be made up of more than one way in which case it would
> become strange to have the area tags on these ways.

I still think that tags  (like amenity=parking) are better on the ways
than in the multipolygon relation even if the outer ring is split in
multiple ways. Othewise, on all editors, you will see an empty way and
you have to open a second dialog to understand the meaning of the way.
It is even worse if the way belongs to several relations. So, as a
data contributor and not as a data consumer, I prefer the tags on the
ways for a better readability.


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