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Maps wanted for Wikipedia, Commons but data available for OSM.
see :

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (also known as the IUCN Red
List or Red Data List), founded in 1948, is the world's most
comprehensive inventory of the global conservation status of plant and
animal species. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature
and Natural Resources (IUCN) is the world's main authority on the
conservation status of species.

Starting in June of 2010, the IUCN red list has authorized the
production of distribution maps from their spatial data. There are
currently ~25,000 species on the Red List with spatial data.

The data is available both in ESRI File Geodatabase format and the
ESRI Shapefile format and is held in geographical coordinates. Please
note that the files are large, and download times could be quite

While this data is made freely available to the public, please note
that unfortunately we cannot provide technical support for use of the
data in analyses or general GIS support.

James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania

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