On 9 February 2011 20:27, Tom Ponte <t...@bendbroadband.com> wrote:
> I just imported an OSM area that I am planning on doing some imports to my
> machine. I am testing out the ESRI OSM import extension for ArcGIS. In the
> osmuser attribute field there are a couple of edits listed that are not
> listed as Tiger data based on the user names. Most of them for instance say
> JohnDoeTiger so I am assuming that if there was not tiger after the osmuser
> name it isn't tiger data. They have dates listed for the timestamp that are
> much newer than most of the data that was done by JohnDoeTiger.  There is no
> field identifying the data source which surprises me. I just went into the
> potlatch editor and selected a few of the roads I am not sure of and they
> say they are tiger data however. How come if there are six tags visible when
> editing in Potlach that all start with tiger:xxxxxx that none of that comes
> through when you import the data? Dozens of other fields like waterway,
> landuse, man-made etc.  Is that a unique to the ESRI extension import? Do I
> need to back up and spend some time with JOSM to compare?

The presence of the tiger:xxxx tags is the best indicator of data
originating from TIGER, but it doesn't tell you whether an element has
been touched by users.  For that it is best to look at the history
dump for those elements rather than at the current version only.

Most traditional GIS programs have fixed sets of tags because they
store the tag values in table columns so when you load OSM data only a
subset of tags is used.  Often only the tags which somehow affect
rendering are selected for example.  Most of these programs are
configurable, I'm sure ArcGIS is, so you can add all of the tiger:xxxx
tags and some more to the fixed tagset.


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