On 08/28/2011 06:34 AM, Stefan de Konink wrote:
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Op 28-08-11 06:24, Bryce Nesbitt schreef:
The name in the proposal is not a true bus stop name, but
a mashup of the street name.
How are the stops generally identified then?
In the data supplied by Fairfax County, there is a primary key.
On the street the poles are simply stuck in the ground.
In the osm data we have a choice: even if the name field is blank the icon will render just fine. If tools can't deal with bus stops without name then the tools need improvement.

(In bus operations it is typical that the only documentation for bus stops is the actual pole in the ground. The drivers look for the pole when driving, and no electronic or even paper record exists of the bus stop. The agency itself has to survey the lines to build any sort of database, and that database is highly subject to both survey error and bit-rot over time.

Some regions have assigned unique stop IDs (for example the UK ad the San Francisco Bay Area). But for many operators it is just a sign by the road... with no name and nobody to record it other than an eagle eyed osm mapper with a stopwatch <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JOSM/Plugins/public_transport#Map_Stops_with_a_Tracklog_and_a_Stopwatch>.

Quite probably the osm mapper could provide data /to/ such operators, in _reverse of the usual import pattern._ Osm --> gtfs would be an interesting experiment.

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