On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org> wrote:

> But at least if you follow the
> guidelines you have proven that you can read and are willing to engage with
> the community which is a good sign.

But even when the "community" disagrees with one of the guideline
requirements, like the separate user account in all circumstances, the
DWG will ignore it. So, I find Jeff's statement "DWG's import
guideline" completely true since your message is telling us that the
final word will be in the DWG hands : "following them does not give
you an automatic right to make an import". Most of the requirements
are "common sens", e.g. license compatibility, integration with
existing, interest of the new data. But it is very easy to speak in
the name of the community, even as OSMF board and DWG member. Btw, in
which other system do we find the same person being part of the
legislative, judiciary and executive bodies ?


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