Some comments on what you're proposing to import


-          landuse=greenfield, building=yes, building=garage,
leisure=swimming_pool, barrier=wall, and entrance=yes is an odd set of
features to import. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

-          Some buildings are missing, likely from the source data.

-          There is severe over-noding of circular features, e.g. 71 nodes
in a 4.8m diameter swimming pool: 

-          Last time it was discussed there was no consensus that buildings
should be imported split based on building plan data, e.g.

-          The couple of building=garages don't actually appear to be

-          The landuse=greenfield is still a problem. I'd suggest not
including that tag but just including the address information


From: Ander Pijoan [] 
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:42 AM
Cc: OSM Imports List
Subject: Re: [Imports] [Talk-es] [Cat2Osm2] Tool for exporting Spanish
Cadastre data in OSM suitable format


Hi everyone,

During this weekend some people of the Spanish community have been
discussing in which cases would be suitable to import some things from
Catastro to OSM.

Everything that is imported from Catastro will need to be approved by the
Spanish OSM organizers and it will only be uploaded with a special account,
one for each of the 50 provinces, created for such purpose ("catastro_" +
the province's name).

It is compulsory for the uploader to know well the village he is uploading
in order to be able to fix any conflict with the existing data and to
complete Catastro's data for special buildings, amenities... Roads won't be
imported from Catastro because they're much better in OSM, currently we will
only focus on urban data (we will try to simplify a little bit more the
rural data Cat2Osm2 exports).

Also, the files will need to be validated with JOSM and made in small pieces
(one for each urban block/square).

We have made a test with a little urbanization from one of the Spanish list
users for you all to see:
C39.99551> &bbox=-4.73691%2C39.98901%2C-4.72879%2C39.99551

I would like you to take a look at it, to see if it looks suitable for some
villages where there was no information previously.

Thank you to all.

2013/1/29 Jaime Crespo <>

On Jan 29, 2013 12:57 AM, "Paul Norman" <> wrote:

> This license issue is concerning. Are you saying that if someone downloads
> the data, converts it to .osm and doesn't do modifications that result
> be distributed? Can't you just get the .osm file that you would end up
> uploading? After all, if there was no OSM data in the area you'd
> not alter most of the file.

The word in Spanish is more like "altered". It doesn't matter if we get a
100% equivalent. Because of law issues -unrelated to copyright- original
files directly from source cannot be shared. However, any transformation
-including file format- gives full copyrights to the author of the
alteration, which effectively makes them "almost PD+attribution".

Law is strange, I agree :-)

He definitely can share the .osm.

Jaime Crespo

Talk-es mailing list


Ander Pijoan Lamas
Research Assistant, Deustotech

Computer Science Engineer

University of Deusto

E-mail:  <>

Phone: +34 664471228

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