
> >> - what happens if a mapper adds more tags to the imported nodes
> > Tags would be overwritten. Is this okey?
> definitely not okay, never automatically remove stuff that was entered
> by judgement of a human mapper

Yes, this makes sense. I believe therefore that we shall not
overwrite/delete any data entered from mappers (as we currently do for the
location coordinates).

>> - what happens if a station is deleted from the source data
> > Stations deleted from the source data, or marked as inactive (e.g.
> > maintenance), will be removed from OSM.
> not sure if stations marked as inactive should be completely removed,
> maybe better set them in OSM to maintenance as well (in a way they
> won't get interpreted as charging stations by simple software, e.g.
> with a prefix on the amenity-key).

Yes, my aim is to avoid people reach the station and eventually find out
it's not *active*. If we define the right tagging, we could actually
publish also the planned charging stations. Can you make an example on how
the *amenity* key should look like?

About the merge operations, I need to understand better: do we envision a
map where *charging stations* could become *buildings*?



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On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> 2013/7/10 David Riccitelli <da...@insideout.io>:
> Jason Remillard: >> - what happens if a mapper, merges the node onto a
> building
> IMHO this is a mapping error. How would you be able afterwards to
> distinguish the building from the charging station and tell to which
> object the tags apply? E.g. tag name, tag start_date, tag wikipedia,
> tag operator, ... There should be distinct objects (not necessarily
> geometry) in OSM for the building and the charging station.
> Nonetheless I agree that this is something that will potentially occur
> and should be dealt with.
> > The import procedure will use the charging_station node id for
> operations.
> > Will the charging_station node id change following a merge operation?
> it will look like a simple delete of the node, as long as the mapper
> doesn't take care to preserve the node id (e.g. by merging it with one
> of the building nodes, in which case it will look as if the tags have
> been removed and the position changed).
> >> - what happens if a mapper adds more tags to the imported nodes
> > Tags would be overwritten. Is this okey?
> definitely not okay, never automatically remove stuff that was entered
> by judgement of a human mapper.
> >> - what happens if a station is deleted from the source data
> > Stations deleted from the source data, or marked as inactive (e.g.
> > maintenance), will be removed from OSM.
> not sure if stations marked as inactive should be completely removed,
> maybe better set them in OSM to maintenance as well (in a way they
> won't get interpreted as charging stations by simple software, e.g.
> with a prefix on the amenity-key).
> cheers,
> Martin
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