On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 9:40 AM, Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com> wrote:
> This is a huge issue. If the data in the government database and the
> on-the-ground data differs, we should be tagging the on-the-ground data
> in name and name:*, with the official name in official_name.

I'm not sure it has to be discussed here but for me, "official_name"
has not been created for that. Read the wiki and see the examples :
name=Andorra + official_name=Principado de Andorra.
name=France + official_name=République Française

If locally, the name is showed differently from its common version
(and only locally), the use of "loc_name" or "reg_name" tag is also
perfectly valid. So let the local community decides how they use


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