Jason Remillard <remillard.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

- I think you would be able to put operator=SASA on all of the nodes.

Oh, sure! I completely forgot this one.

- The name tag should be what appears on the sign at the stop. Not
sure if they sign it in both languages with a hyphen or not.

The name on the signs reads both languages, typically as two lines. Like here:

The hyphen is used here in South Tyrol as a separator for multilingual names (such as street names, towns, etc.).[1]

Btw: This is approximately the affected bounding box of the import: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?box=yes&bbox=11.1%2C46.4%2C11.4%2C46.7

- You should see if SASA has a GTFS feed and see what they are using
for station id. If it is the SASA:ref, then you may want to include it
as some kind of gtfs tag, or just use it in the ref tag. Being able to
link OSM to the GTFS feed would be useful.

As far as I can see they do not support GTFS. But I'll ask.

- I thought the bus routes were setup with relations, rather than
route_ref tag.  Not sure if the route_ref is actually used or not? It
is perfectly ok to import just the stations leaving out the routes.

Sure, but we are not allowed to import or use their network plans because of their cc-nc license. So I thought that this route_ref field is the only way to get at least some information about the routes into the DB. It is the same as if a mapper sees an individual bus stop on a street without knowing the whole bus route.

(route_ref is used ~140k times and appears to be used mostly in PT contexts.[2])

What would be the alternative? Creating route relations that only contain the stops without an actual route? Hm.


[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Multilingual_names#Alto_Adige.2FS.C3.BCdtirol_.28South_Tyrol.29
[2] http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/route_ref

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