Starting a new thread on the source tag.

Re: source tag. We decided against it as the import is identified by import
account and changeset comment.

I don't find source tags useful in a database that routinely sources
information for a single entity from multiple sources. I. e. what's the
source tag for a building that I import from NYC, but then move to better
align with imagery?

On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Pieren <> wrote:

> Another point which was not mentionned about this import is that I
> found no "source" tag at all. The changeset comment is just refering
> to a wiki link. I'm not sure if it would not be better to add a source
> tag directly in the db, then being less dependent of the wiki (a page
> can be moved x times and original link lost after some years). If the
> Task Manager can insert automagically this in the changeset tags (plus
> maybe the year of the original dataset release), it costs no
> additional effort from the contributors.
> Pieren
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