On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Serge Wroclawski <emac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In Paris, each district has a mayor,

> but then there is a major of Paris, who is elected by the
> district mayors.
he/she is elected by the municipal council (~160 members)

> If we can find an appropriate, already used term, great. If not, then
> I say we should just go ahead and use the local Czech term.

If we continue with Paris, the "arrondissement" or "district" or
"borough" is not really important for the address (it's not a name but
a number). We simply don't use it in the address and keep only
"addr:street" and "addr:housenumber". All other attributs are
superfluous and are deduced from admin boundaries (we only have
exceptions for "addr:postcode" in some other cities in France)


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