Ciao Leonardo

Can you provide us an example of how the to-be-imported data will actually look like (as an osm file maybe)? I'm especially interested in the following point of your import plan:

Successivamente i nomi tutti in maiuscolo sono stati trasformati correttamente con la prima lettera maiuscola e il restante in minuscolo

How does this work with street names like "Via dei Cavalieri", "Via dell'Ospedale", "Corso d'Augusto", etc.? We currently have very much the same problem in the preparation of the import of addresses in South Tyrol (Alto Adige, provincia di Bolzano) [1], so I'm very curious how you solved this problem.

addr:city, addr:country, addr:street, addr:housenumber

No postcodes (addr:postcode)? Too bad.



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