On 24 September 2014 22:31, Elliott Plack <elliott.pl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Clark,
> Quick tip, always reply all to these list emails so it goes back into the
> list.
> Definitely use the PNG! I'll license it as CC0.
> For approval we should wait a few days for others to comment. Also we'll
> want to check if there's any existing data that would be duplicated.
> I can do the import for you too, no problem. It's just a few clicks.
> Finally you'll want to write a wiki page on the OSM wiki. Just summarize
> what you said in the first email.

I think you've got it back-to-front - there's no way that anyone can
review this *before* you write the wiki page!

Also, I just had a quick look. From your image I count at least 7 bike
parking images within a few metres of the intersection of Bank and
Queen Street, but when I look at google street view I see only bikes
chained to trees and some railings outside a bank - further away
there's some actual parking infrastructure but it's not clear to me
how they all correspond and what counts as "parking" here. Again,
questions to answer on a wiki page are required.

There's already existing bike parking in Ottawa, so there will need to
be some sort of merging/de-duplication.

And finally, best not so say "It's just a few clicks" because
honestly, that's never the case, and secondly, it's not the attitude
we're trying to promote!


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