I'm not sure if this is a right place but I'll give it a try. I am having some 
problems regarding automated edits which affected my local area and I am not 
sure what can I do about it. Those are changesets which contain the edits:


The changes are part of bigger initiative which affects whole country. The 
edits are about reformatting house numbers. In my opinion it doesn't really 
matter what are those changes really about (but I'll get back to this later), 
but how they were conducted (i.e. completely against Automated Edits code of 

I tried to investigate reason behind the changes and find its documentation, I 
could not find any. That's why I turned to my local community to point me to 
resources behind the edit:
https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-pl/2015-April/001689.html (in 

"Thankfully" author of the changes took part in discussion. Basically he 
admitted that he acted against OSM rules (there is no discussion, no 
documentation of changes), but he justifies it by the fact he is doing right 
thing. Also, he claims that he is part of OSM since 2007 and if I don't like 
his changes I should find myself another mapping project (sic!).

To sum this up:
 - Automatic changes were done against OSM rules.
 - Asking for explanation about it made me attacked by the author who instead 
of explain me politely his reasoning, attacked me.
 - Author of the changes behaves like he is allowed to do more than other 
community members because he's been around since 2007.
So my questions are: is community supposed to run like this? What can I do 
about it to fix it? Can I escalate this problem somewhere? Would it be ok if I 
reverted those changes?

Back to the changes itself. Those changes are about removing spaces from 
addresses. Like "11 A" becomes "11A". In my opinion it is a bad change (people 
are using addresses with spaces, such addresses are being used in government 
issued documents). People taking part in discussion (started by me, after 
changes were conducted) are claiming this change is ok, because: 
- wiki article (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pl:Key:addr) says there 
should be no spaces (but there is no source (like discussion) of this statement)
- one of Polish law acts indirectly states that *newly* created addresses 
should not have spaces in them 
- some application from which addresses are sometimes imported to OSM does not 
allow spaces in house numbers.

But as I said, it's not about change itself (but the way it was conducted). I 
am not sure whether I am right with spaces being in house numbers. What 
disturbed me is fact that I was treated rudely because I asked questions and I 
don't have 8 years of experience in OSM. Am I oversensitive or is there 
something wrong? 


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