You might want to describe what you intend to import to make sure that you
have community support. Addresses and buildings are always good. How you
plan to import also matters. Is this a mass upload, or will you be manually
conflating data?

As others have replied, ogr2osm is a good tool for converting shapefiles to
osm. I would recommend Paul Norman's version, I believe the shapefile should be in
WGS84 projection which it sounds like you will have no problem doing.

If you plan to import addresses, the street name needs to be fully
expanded, i.e. no abbreviations. Paul's ogr2osm allows for a translation
file to expand names. I usually use a sql function but either way works.

At this point I would provide some general sketch of your plans and ideally
solicit help from local mappers in Indianapolis.

Good luck,

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 8:30 AM, EthnicFood IsGreat <> wrote:

> Hello list.  I am a newbie as far as importing into OSM, but I am also a
> GIS professional working for the City of Indianapolis and I have access to
> all our GIS layers.  I would like to import some of our layers into OSM,
> and I'm aware that I need to publish a plan first, but right now I have a
> technical question.  I want to use the shp2osm script to convert our
> shapefiles, but the OSM wiki says that the script is not compatible with
> API 0.6.  Does that mean that if I use the script and then try to import
> the data into OSM using JOSM, it won't work?
> Mark
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