On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 8:39 AM, EthnicFood IsGreat <
ethnicfoodisgr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I had looked at Paul Norman's ogr2ogr tool, and it sounds great, but I do
> not know Python and have never used it.  Neither have I used ArcGIS
> ModelBuilder or QGIS.  I was hoping not to have to learn any new software
> in order to do the import, so that's why I was initially interested in
> shp2osm.  But it sounds like ogr2ogr is the way to go, so if someone could
> walk me through how to use it, along with the custom translations, that
> would be great.  (I already have Python installed.)  Years ago I did some
> coding, but not in any of the newer languages.

Running the script doesn't require a great deal of python experience. If
you use the translation file, you will need to modify the dictionary to
include any name expansions that are not already in there. But looking at
your trial import, it looks like you are handling the name expansion
elsewhere so you may not need it.

> Paul, can you expand on getting local support?  It seems to me that adding
> buildings in a major city that has almost none is a no-brainer.

I ran overpass-turbo.eu on a bbox area that included Indianapolis to search
for building=*. The resultant file was over 7mb. It does appear that you do
have existing buildings. It is preferable to either keep the original and
add any missing address tags or if your data is better, to merge the two
buildings. From experience this is a messy process. For example. Most of
the buildings I've imported, the city provided outlines often group
individual buildings that are connected into one, while people use the roof
outline to draw the individual buildings. The manually drawn buildings
allow addr tags to be added to the individual building outline instead of
individual addr nodes.

Having local support is really helpful for a city the size of Indianapolis.
Since there doesn't seem to be an existing OSM Meetup Group, I would
suggest sending a message out on the talk-us mailing list and even the help
forum inviting interested mappers to meet at a coffee shop/pub/library to
talk about doing a community import. You can even see if there is interest
in the local GIS community of helping out. I know that seems like a lot of
work but building a community in Indianapolis can be beneficial.

BTW - I think Telenav is still open to sponsoring meetup groups.


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