
Thanks for your feedback.

> I've avoided BIA because their data doesn't seem accurate
We have gotten some additional feedback off list also suggesting that the
BIA data may not be as accurate as some other sources.  Perhaps we should
create a wiki page listing every reservation, its boundary status in OSM,
and the known sources of data.  Mappers can then "sign up" to work on
individual reservation boundaries (by adding their name to the wiki page),
manually comparing the various sources, researching the most correct
representation, and of course editing OSM to reflect their findings....
just thinking out loud here.


On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 10:10 AM Clifford Snow <>

> Mike,
> Thanks to you, David and Paul for taking the initiative to mapping Natiive
> American Reservations. On and off for the last few years I've been
> attempting to reservations mapped in Washington State. My first choice for
> boundary information has always been from the reservation then the state.
> I've avoided BIA because their data doesn't seem accurate, at least at the
> time when I first started adding reservations. I look forward to seeing how
> it compares to the boundaries I added.
> I especially applaud your desire to involve Native American youth in the
> project. I have struggled to make any headway getting the tribes involved.
> Related to that I've been asking people I know that work for the tribes
> about adding features in their native language. A number of the tribes
> around me are working hard to ensure their languages not only survives but
> flourishes. I'm hoping with my connections I can partner with the tribe get
> them to actively contribute to OSM using their native language. It is
> something you might also consider doing.
> Let me know how I can help,
> Clifford
> On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 4:35 PM Mike Thompson <> wrote:
>> Village Earth's Native Land Advocacy Project[1], David Bartecchi[2], Paul
>> Johnson[3], and I[4] are considering an organized effort to improve the
>> boundaries of Native American Reservations in the US.  We have studied the
>> import guidelines on the wiki and will follow those, however, we first
>> wanted to see:
>> 1) If there was any fundamental objection to this idea before even the
>> details are spelled out
>> 2) If anyone is already working on this issue.
>> 3) If anyone would like to join us.
>> We are thinking that our general approach will be:
>> 1) Use data from this source:
>>    It has a compatible
>> license, but will verify and document as part of this process.
>> 2) Somehow allow mappers to "check out" a particular reservation's
>> boundary.  Exact mechanism is TBD.
>> 3) A human mapper will examine each boundary individually
>> 4) Where OSM does not have a corresponding reservation boundary, the
>> mapper will import the boundary into OSM (not sure of the exact mechanics
>> at this time).  If the boundary needs to participate in a boundary
>> relation, that will be handled here. Tag mapping is TBD at this point.
>> Any conflicts with existing OSM features will be addressed in this step.
>> 5) Where OSM has a boundary and it does not match the above source, and
>> it has not been edited by a human mapper, proceed as in 4 above, except
>> only replace geometry and preserve the history of the existing OSM
>> features.
>> 6) Where OSM has a boundary and it does not match our source, but it has
>> been edited by a human mapper, use additional sources, including tribal
>> sources, and county sources, to determine the true boundary and make
>> necessary edits in OSM.  Deference will be given to the edits made by local
>> mappers.
>> To be determined:
>> We are aware of some cases where different government bodies (e.g.
>> Federal Government vs. a state government) dispute the extent of a
>> reservation.
>> Long term we would like to involve Native Americans, particularly youth
>> living on reservations, in adding additional details to OSM about
>> reservations, such as street names, amenities, etc., but we don't envision
>> this as part of this import/organized effort process.
>> We look forward to your initial feedback on this preliminary concept.
>> Mike
>> [1] Village Earth is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has worked
>> in Indian Country for over 20 years and works closely with the Indian Land
>> Tenure Foundation
>> [2] David works for Village Earth
>> [3] Most people on this list are probably familiar with Paul, a long time
>> contributor to OSM
>> [4] My OSM user name is tekim, I have been mapping in OSM since 2009.
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