One thing I've wondered about w/respect to combining chi-squares using the
approaches discussed recently in this forum: Which types of chi-squares are
legitimate to combine in this way? Only normal theory, maximum
likelihood-based chi-square test statistics, or would it be possible to
combine any "flavor" of chi-square in this manner? (e.g., Satorra-Bentler
kurtosis-adjusted chi-squares, weighted least-squares-based model fit
chi-square test statistics, etc.).

Thanks in advance for any input on this issue, 

Tor Neilands

Tor Neilands
Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)
Prevention Sciences Group (PSG)
University of California, San Francisco
74 New Montgomery St., Suite 600
San Francisco, CA  94105
Voice: (415) 597-9236
FAX: (415) 597-9194

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