I have been interested in what people have been saying about Solas, as it fits in with 
my biases against standalone statistical software.

I have been running a lot of simulations in S-Plus comparing MICE (which has had 
excellent performance in my tests) with a new S-Plus and R function I've recently 
developed called aregImpute.  So far, the much faster bootstrap-based aregImpute 
function seems to work as well as the approximate Bayesian predictive distribution 
approach implemented in MICE, in terms of bias and MSE of regression coefficients.  I 
have attached documentation to aregImpute and would appreciate any reactions to or 
questions about the algorithm proposed there.


Frank Harrell
Frank E Harrell Jr              Prof. of Biostatistics & Statistics
Div. of Biostatistics & Epidem. Dept. of Health Evaluation Sciences
U. Virginia School of Medicine  http://hesweb1.med.virginia.edu/biostat
Title: R: Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrap, and Predictive Mean Matching
aregImpute {Hmisc}R Documentation

Multiple Imputation using Additive Regression, Bootstrap, and Predictive Mean Matching


The transcan function creates flexible additive imputation models but provides only an approximation to true multiple imputation as the imputation models are fixed before all multiple imputations are drawn. This ignores variability caused by having to fit the imputation models. aregImpute takes all aspects of uncertainty in the imputations into account by using the bootstrap to approximate the process of drawing predicted values from a full Bayesian predictive distribution. Different bootstrap resamples are used for each of the multiple imputations, i.e., for the ith imputation of a sometimes missing variable, i=1,2,...n.impute, a flexible additive model is fitted on a sample with replacement from the original data and this model is used to predict all of the original missing and non-missing values for the target variable.

Two methods are used to fit the imputation models, ace and avas. Unless the identity transformation is specified, these methods simultaneously find transformations of the target variable and of all of the predictors, to get a good fit assuming additivity. ace maximizes R-squared, and avas attempts to maximize R-squared while stabilizing the variance of residuals. When a categorical variable is being predicted, only ace is used. Like transcans use of canonical regression, this is Fisher's optimum scoring method for categorical variables. For continuous variables, monotonic transformations of the target variable are assumed when avas is used. For ace, the default allows nonmonotonic transformations of target variables. When variables are used as predictors, the nonparametric transformations derived by ace or avas can be restricted by the user to be monotonic.

Instead of taking random draws from fitted imputation models using random residuals as is done by transcan, aregImpute uses predictive mean matching. This works for binary, categorical, and continuous variables without the need for iterative maximum likelihood fitting for binary and categorical variables, and without the need for computing residuals or for curtailing imputed values to be in the range of actual data. Predictive mean matching is especially attractive when the variable being imputed is also being transformed automatically. See Details below for more information about the algorithm.

Typically, fit.mult.impute will be called after aregImpute.


aregImpute(formula, n.impute=5, method=c('ace','avas'),
           defaultLinear=FALSE, pr=TRUE, x=FALSE, data, subset)


formula an S model formula. You can specify restrictions for transformations of variables. The function automatically determines which variables are categorical (i.e., factor, category, or character vectors). Binary variables are automatically restricted to be linear. Force linear transformations of continuous variables by enclosing variables by the identify function (I()), and specify monotonicity by using monotone(variable).
n.impute number of multiple imputations. n.impute=5 is frequently recommended but 10 or more doesn't hurt.
method method ("ace", the default, or "avas") for modeling a variable to be imputed. As avas does not allow the response variable to be categorical, "ace" is always used for such variables.
defaultLinear set to TRUE to force all continuous variables to be linear in any model. This is recommended when the sample size is small.
pr set to FALSE to suppress printing of iteration messages
x set to TRUE to save the data matrix containing the final (number n.impute) imputations in the result. This is needed if you want to later do out-of-sample imputation.
subset These may be also be specified. You may not specify na.action as na.retain is always used.


The sequence of steps used by the aregImpute algorithm is the following.
(1) For each variable containing m NAs where m > 0, initialize the NAs to values from a random sample (without replacement if a sufficient number of non-missing values exist) of size m from the non-missing values.
(2) For 3+n.impute iterations do the following steps. The first 3 iterations provide a burn-in, and imputations are saved only from the last n.impute iterations.
(3) For each variable containing any NAs, draw a sample with replacement from the observations in the entire dataset in which the current variable being imputed is non-missing. Fit a flexible additive model to predict this target variable while finding the optimum transformation of it (unless the identity transformation is forced). Use this fitted semiparametric model to predict the target variable in all of the original observations. Impute each missing value of the target variable with the observed value whose predicted transformed value is closest to the predicted transformed value of the missing value.
(4) After these imputations are computed, use these random draw imputations the next time the curent target variable is used as a predictor of other sometimes-missing variables.

Predictive mean matching does not work well when fewer than 3 variables are used to predict the target variable, because many of the multiple imputations for an observation will be identical.


a list of class "aregImpute" containing the following elements:

call the function call expression
formula the formula specified to aregImpute
method the method argument
n total number of observations in input dataset
p number of variables
na list of subscripts of observations for which values were originally missing
nna named vector containing the numbers of missing values in the data
linear vector of names of variables restricted to be linear
categorical vector of names of categorical variables
monotone vector of names of variables restricted to be monotonic
cat.levels list containing character vectors specifying the levels of categorical variables
n.impute number of multiple imputations per missing value
imputed a list containing matrices of imputed values in the same format as those created by transcan. Categorical variables are coded using their integer codes. Variables having no missing values will have NULL matrices in the list.
x if x=TRUE, a numeric matrix containing the raw data used to derive the imputations, filled in with the last (n.impute) imputations used. Categorical variables are coded as integers in this matrix.


Frank Harrell
Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
University of Virginia

See Also

fit.mult.impute, transcan, ace, naclus, naplot, mice


# Multiple imputation and estimation of variances and covariances of
# regression coefficient estimates accounting for imputation
# Example 1: large sample size, much missing data, no overlap in
# NAs across variables
x1 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),1000,T))
x2 <- (x1=='b') + 3*(x1=='c') + rnorm(1000,0,2)
x3 <- rnorm(1000)
y  <- x2 + 1*(x1=='c') + .2*x3 + rnorm(1000,0,2)
orig.x1 <- x1[1:250]
orig.x2 <- x2[251:350]
x1[1:250] <- NA
x2[251:350] <- NA
# Complete case analysis

# Use 100 imputations to better check against individual true values
f <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, n.impute=100)
modecat <- function(u) {
 tab <- table(u)
table(orig.x1,apply(f$imputed$x1, 1, modecat))
plot(orig.x2, apply(f$imputed$x2, 1, mean))
fmi <- fit.mult.impute(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, lm, f, 
fcc <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3)
summary(fcc)   # SEs are larger than from mult. imputation

# Example 2: Very discriminating imputation models,
# x1 and x2 have some NAs on the same rows, smaller n
x1 <- factor(sample(c('a','b','c'),100,T))
x2 <- (x1=='b') + 3*(x1=='c') + rnorm(100,0,.4)
x3 <- rnorm(100)
y  <- x2 + 1*(x1=='c') + .2*x3 + rnorm(100,0,.4)
orig.x1 <- x1[1:20]
orig.x2 <- x2[18:23]
x1[1:20] <- NA
x2[18:23] <- NA
#x2[21:25] <- NA
n <- naclus(data.frame(x1,x2,y))
plot(n); naplot(n)  # Show patterns of NAs
# 100 imputations to study them; normally use 5 or 10
f  <- aregImpute(~y + x1 + x2 + x3, n.impute=100, defaultLinear=T)
table(orig.x1,apply(f$imputed$x1, 1, modecat))
plot(orig.x2, apply(f$imputed$x2, 1, mean))
r <- range(f$imputed$x2,orig.x2)
for(i in 1:6) {
  plot(1:100, f$imputed$x2[i,], ylim=r,
       ylab=paste("Imputations for Obs.",i))

fmi <- fit.mult.impute(y ~ x1 + x2, lm, f, 
fcc <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2)
summary(fcc)   # SEs are larger than from mult. imputation

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