Symposium on Nonresponse, Questionnaire Split and Multiple Imputation
Reports from Academic and Practice

Organized by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in cooperation with ZUMA Mannheim and the Institute of Employment Research at Nuremberg. Sponsored by GfK AG Nuremberg.

Thursday, September 5th, 2002 at Nuremberg, Germany, Andrej-Sacharow-Platz 1

The organizing committee is delighted to be able to present a selection of the top researchers from universities and leading research institutes on this topic. If you like to learn more about respondent burden, the threat of missing data, and approaches of help by multiple matrix sampling and multiple imputation, here is the symposium you should not miss!

Program of Thursday,  September 5th, 2002
08:15   Registration
09:00   Welcome by the University

Part I          Nonresponse and Survey Data Quality                     
Chair:          Uwe Blien (Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg)                                                        
09:15   Robert Nicklas (GfK Television Research)
        Questionnaire Length and Respondent Burden in Media Practice
09:35   Peter Ph. Mohler (ZUMA Mannheim)                        
        Interviewers, Nonresponse and Data Quality
10:10   Ulrich Rendtel (University of Frankfurt)                                        
        Panel Attrition in Household Surveys

Part II         Questionnaire Split to Reduce Respondent Burden
Chair:          Raimund Wildner (GfK e.V. Nuremberg)

11:15   Wolfgang Bals (IT-Consultant)                           
        Controlled Split Survey in Media Practice
11:35   Trivellore E. Raghunathan (University of Michigan)                      
        Multiple Matrix Sampling
12:10   Susanne Rässler (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) 
          Split Questionnaire Survey Sampling

Part III                Imputation in Large-Scale Surveys
Chair:          Siegfried Gabler (ZUMA Mannheim)                                                

14:00 Andrea Scharrenbroch (GfK Research, Development and Consulting)           
        Single Imputation in Large-Scale Media Surveys
14:20   Joseph L. Schafer (Pennsylvania State University)                       
        “Thou shalt not impute only once”
14:55   Stef van Buuren (TNO Prevention and Health, Leiden)
        Practical Issues in Multiple Imputation for Surveys

Part IV         Summary and Discussion
Chair:          Ingo Klein (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)

16:00   Donald B. Rubin (Harvard University)                                    
        Concluding remarks
16:45   General Discussion
17:30   Reception and Poster Presentation

Registration and Costs

Lunch and coffee on breaks included. Please register before August 15th with this registration form. See also

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O       Student fee                     40 EURO (copy of student ID required)

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Please use our registration form and return it to us via fax or regular mail. Forms of payment not listed above are not accepted. The maximum number of participants is restricted to 150. Registrations are processed on a first-come-first-served basis. After receipt of registration we will send you a confirmation and a route description. For hotel information please see Any questions concerning the organization may be directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], for questions concerning the program please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fax this registration form to (+49) 0621-1246-100 or send it to

Postfach 12 21 55
68072 Mannheim

Organizing committee:                                                   
Susanne Rässler (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Uwe Blien (Institute for Employment Research, Nuremberg)        
Siegfried Gabler (ZUMA Mannheim)                

Main sponsor:

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