Calum Benson wrote:
On 16 Apr 2008, at 18:37, Richard Elling wrote:

* Given the 50/50 split between the two most popular choices, we   
probably ought to consider adding a simple first-time-login layout   
chooser.  (Given the timescales, this would most likely have to  
happen  post-1.0, though.)

No, please, no!  Don't ask any more questions!  Every question is an
opportunity for someone to be confused and complain that it is too
complex.  KISS.  They can always change it in the preferences later.

I'm with you 100% on choosing good defaults and not asking unnecessary  
questions.  But there is no such preference in this case, so  
completely rearranging one's panel layout later requires considerably  
more effort than just checking a box somewhere.

We could attempt to implement such a preference, certainly, but it  
would be very difficult to elegantly handle any customisations the  
user had made to their panel in the meantime-- hence the suggestion to  
ask just once, at first login.  Your objection is duly noted, however :)

I suggest that many users, not just new ones, might be baffled by this question since they might not be familiar with both alternatives. This becomes a very *difficult* question if there isn't an easy way to change the decision later. So I feel that the "Appearance" preference might need a "Layout" tab. ;-)


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