Stephen Hahn wrote:
>    As with Developer Preview 2, we'd like to offer a release candidate
>    out so that the teams can get some feedback.  Unlike DP1 or DP2, we
>    are going to update the packages on  This update
>    will take place in the next 24 hours--a specific message announcing
>    that update will follow.  (Please focus initially on LiveCD and
>    installation testing; do not pull new packages from
> until you see that message.)
>    Accordingly, a testing ISO image is available via BitTorrent through
Does anyone have a non-torrent URL for this ISO?

I'm interested in using this at work, and my employer blocks torrents at 
the firewall.


>    with checksums
>    $ md5sum 0805rc2a.iso                                      
>    910095cddb27f3b1caecb635d92b261c  0805rc2a.iso
>    $ sha1sum 0805rc2a.iso                                     
>    a5a9243bf54f87f2bb375529b057e8754009af93  0805rc2a.iso
>    (Shameless reuse of the previous RC message follows.)
>    If you'd like submit issues, please feel free to use
>, under the distribution/opensolaris product,
>    or send them to this alias.  You may find a template like
> ----
> 2008.05 installation test report
> LiveCD version:  2008-04-24
> Install Media:   Physical CD
> System Manufacturer:  
> System Model #:  
> Installed on:  
> Issues encountered:
> System graphics & networking information:
> ----
>    useful in writing any kind of report.  All feedback is appreciated.
>    Once the final image for 2008.05 is ready, we'll make it available
>    via HTTP and BitTorrent (and gratefully accept offers to mirror).
>    More complete instructions and release notes will be published
>    alongside that release.
>    Thanks
>    Stephen

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