Working good for me, thanks.

One note - it says pidgin still has issues - but I was able to start it
normally without modifying the environmental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ pkg info SUNWgnome-im-client
          Name: SUNWgnome-im-client
       Summary: GNOME multi-protocol instant messaging client
         State: Installed
     Authority: (preferred)
       Version: 0.5.11
 Build Release: 5.11
        Branch: 0.91
Packaging Date: Fri Jun 13 17:34:45 2008
          Size: 5.7 MB
          FMRI: pkg:/[EMAIL PROTECTED],5.11-0.91:20080613T173445Z


On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Alan Steinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The development repository,, has been updated to
> Build 91.  Additionally, updates to image packaging have been committed
> to the 2008.05 version.  You can update image packaging for a 2008.05
> release via the following steps:
> $ pfexec pkg refresh
> $ pfexec pkg install pkg:/[EMAIL PROTECTED],5.11-0.86
> You may wish to update SUNWipkg before updating your image to Build 91.
> (You can update to pkg:/[EMAIL PROTECTED],5.11-0.90 if you are already
> running Build 90.)
> Instructions to update OpenSolaris 2008.05 to build 89 or later
> ================================================================
> The command "pkg image-update" can be used to update an OpenSolaris
> 2008.05 system to build 89 or later.  However due to changes in the
> GRUB boot system, one must manually update the Master Boot Record (MBR)
> to include these latest changes.  Note:  at present, the packagemanager
> graphical utility should not be used for an image update.
> If you are already running build 89 or greater (this can be determined
> by executing the command "uname -v" and examining the build number
> following "snv_"), you can disregard the instructions below.
>                >>>>>>>>>> IMPORTANT <<<<<<<<<<
> Failure to follow these instructions when updating from 2008.05 (build
> 86) to a later build will result in a system that does not boot by
> default and instead the original boot environment must be manually
> selected.
> In order to update your system to a later build, you should type the
> following commands:
>        $ pfexec pkg refresh
>        $ pfexec pkg image-update
> When "pkg image-update" completes successfully, it will print a message
> of the form
>        A clone of opensolaris exists and has been updated and
>        activated. On next boot the Boot Environment opensolaris-1 will
>        be mounted on '/'. Reboot when ready to switch to this updated
>        BE.
> The name of the newly created clone can also be seen by looking for the
> "Active on reboot" entry in the output of the "beadm list" command
>        $ beadm list
>        BE            Active Active on Mountpoint     Space
>        Name                 reboot                   Used
>        ----          ------ --------- ----------     -----
>        opensolaris-1 no     yes       -              17.06M
>        opensolaris   yes    no        -              33.92M
> First, mount the clone under the /mnt directory
>        $ pfexec mount -F zfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris-1 /mnt
> Next, update the GRUB configuration on your ZFS boot device(s) using
>        $ pfexec /mnt/boot/solaris/bin/update_grub -R /mnt
> When you're ready to boot into the updated boot environment, you can
> reboot(1M) or init(1M) as usual.
> Instructions to rollback to the initial OpenSolaris 2008.05 install
> ===================================================================
> The following steps allow a user to rollback to the freshly installed
> version of OpenSolaris 2008.05 . Please note that any changes  made
> since install will be lost. If there are clones or other snapshots that
> are descendant  of this image they  will need to be deleted.  In short
> this is a work around of last resort.
>  Boot off a liveCD or liveUSB image.
>  1.  pfexec mkdir /tmp/oldroot
>  2.  pfexec zpool import -f  -R /tmp/oldroot rpool
>  3.  pfexec zfs rollback rpool/ROOT/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     (if you have clones or snapshots you will need to use -R)
>      pfexec zfs rollback -R rpool/ROOT/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> New packages in this repository update
> ======================================
> SUNWdcopy                       Sun dcopy DMA drivers
> SUNWlftp                        lftp - Sophisticated file transfer program
> SUNWpython-cherrypy             CherryPy
> SUNWural                        Ralink RT2500USB 802.11b/g Wireless Driver
> Known issues in this repository update
> ======================================
> 2119 pidgin(1) is unable to find
>        When executed, pidgin(1) will eventually terminate with an
>        error such as
>       pidgin: fatal: open failed:
>                No such file or directory
>       pidgin: fatal: relocation error:
>                file /usr/lib/purple-2/
>                symbol PR_Init: referenced symbol not found
>        Workaround:
>                Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to
>                /usr/lib/mps before executing the command.
> Notable distribution specific bugs addressed in this repository update
> ======================================================================
> 2172 Evolution doesn't work in OpenSolaris build 90
> Installer specific bugs addressed in this repository update
> ===========================================================
> 1179 libbe should support creating auto-BE names from snapshot names
> 1472 libbe: creating a new BE from a mounted BE gets the mountpoints for
> 1603 Some cities are wrong localizated.
> 679 Remove SCCS keywords from all files
> 1333 libbe creation and rename of BEs should handle subordinate legacy
> mounted
> 1718 TI test driver can't be built due to the liblogsvc API changes
> 1795 libbe: be_list should get actual mount point of mounted datasets
> 1703 beadm create dumps core with non-existent BE
> 862 beadm destroy -f needs unmount support
> 1046 libbe python module needs a wrapper function for libbe_print_errors()
> 1299 orchestrator shouldn't take care of creating <root_pool>/ROOT dataset
> 919 libbe: be_activate should add entry in grub menu if one is not found.
> 1916 install-lan reports /sbin/enable_nwam: not found
> 1906 BE mountpoint shouldn't be hardcoded in libti
> 1921 Incorporate contents of
> 1268 Location of Sun Studio Tools has moved
> 1921 Incorporate contents of
> 346 req.flg doesn't belong in an hg repo
> 1991 cleanup file and README in slim_source gate
> 1267 libbe cleanup of handle closure, naming, and extra code.
> 1841 Transfer SUNWdistro-license to release engineering
> 1999 cleanup the file in slim_source
> 1208 switching locale during install propagated only partially
> 690 Target Discovery (TD) should be libspmi* clean
> 2080 beadm create should fail gracefully
> 1817 libbe should return error codes defined in libbe.h
> 2062 fresh install of build 89 LiveCD results in truncated menu.lst
> 1938 Building Slim source failed
> Image Packaging System (IPS) specific bugs addressed in this repository
> update
> ==============================================================================
> 2059 api-complete test not complete -- fails to run action tests
> 2008 improve parsing of action specifications with spaces in values
> 2021 depotd --rebuild doesn't work if specified before -d
> 1889 pkg.depotd(1M) man page specifies incorrect smf(5) property names
> 1956 depotd performance hampered by unnecessary getpwuid/getgrgid calls
> 1888 memleaks test overwrites PYTHONPATH
> 1887 depot status page output is not valid HTML
> 1237 pkg.depotd -p 80 -p 90  should return usage, but second option is
> taken
> 1154 pkg.depotd tracebacks when given bad options
> 1854 rework depot to use higher-level framework
> 1068 cleanup pylint errors caused by portable package
> 115 pkg needs to not have a cow on a SIGPIPE
> 995 two error level checking tests fail on Windows
> 2147 depot should check port instead of showing traceback if port
> binding fails
> 2191 Client should stop using file_0
> 2189 Cache downloaded file content
> 2188 Client must fail gracefully when network timeout occurs
> 2230 incorporations are broken unless authority is specified
> 2233 changes required to import snv_91
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