* Robert Milkowski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hello Shawn,
> Thursday, October 2, 2008, 3:42:44 PM, you wrote:
> SW> Robert Milkowski wrote:
> >> Hello indiana-discuss,
> >> 
> >> What do you think about delivering OSS (http://www.opensound.com/) as
> >> part of Indiana for the time being?
> SW> For the same reason it isn't ready to include in Nevada, I'd guess it 
> SW> isn't ready for Indiana.  This is being worked on by a group of great,
> SW> dedicated folks at Sun, and I suspect we'll see OSS integrated not too
> SW> long from now.
> Do we know what are the reasons? Including OSS now in its current
> form, as interim solution, would improve user experience for 2008.11.
> Unless there is a very good reason why we can't do it.

Regardless of the condition of OSS for integrating it's probably just too
late to get anything in other than critical bug fixes for the november
release.  If it isn't already integrated *somewhere* (say the ON
consolidation) then it's got virtually no shot at being included in the
2008.11 release.  It would have to integrate *very* soon and that's not
likely to happen from what I can tell.  It's probably not too far of a
stretch to say that the 2008.11 release is in feature freeze.

There's always 2009.04.


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