On 9-Oct-08, at 1:09 PM, James Cornell wrote:

> John Sonnenschein wrote:
>> I would think that a good target would be machines that are cheap  
>> and plentiful on the used market
>> That is, U10, U5 ( maybe ), B100/150
>> my 0.02CAD , Desktop support would be a must
>> --
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> S5 too old and not so common usually run NetBSD from my  
> observation.  U2
> (300/400), U10, U60, U80, E250, T1000, T2000 to start.  First 5 are
> UltraSPARC II's and can mostly be found for $150-800 USD on ebay from
> time to time.
> James

You're perhaps right about the U5, but I stand by my assesment of the  
the B100 and B150
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