
I'm going to suggest an improvement on current live CD image of OpenSolaris
dev release:

After booting OSOL dev B131 I think that language support is no fully
integrated, furthermore after an installation with live CD, the user has to
install additional packages that are not included on live CD.

What happens if the user does not have access to Internet?

I think that those packages must be included on live image (install media),
perhaps the size of live image should be increased... and perhaps it has to
be expanded to live DVD:

For example, with catalan language (after an initial installation with live

        pfexec pkg install lang-support-catalan SUNWlang-ca-extra



On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 8:06 PM, <david.co...@sun.com> wrote:

> The OpenSolaris development package repository
>        http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/
> has been updated to reflect the changes up to and including snv_131 for
> both the x86/x64 and SPARC platforms.
> Before updating a system, please review the "New issues" and "Existing
> issues" sections of this document for all of the known issues that may
> affect the update.
> The development builds have undergone limited testing and users should
> expect to uncover issues as the next release is developed.  Bug reports
> and requests for enhancement are welcome through
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/
> Users who wish to update their system to the development build can do
> so by setting their preferred publisher to the above URL and using the
> "image-update" facility provided by the pkg(1) command or by the
> "Update All" facility of the Package Manager GUI.
> New issues in this repository update or in updating to it
> =========================================================
> 13982 desktop performance issues with build 131
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=13982
>        Repainting of desktop windows or typing into input fields may
>        be slow to respond to user input.
>        Work-around: Remove the X Server's "AT_SPI_IOR" property from
>        X's root window.
>                u...@host$ xprop -root -remove AT_SPI_IOR
> 6912829 panic in ipsq_xopq_mp_cleanup/RD due to NULL ill->ill_wq on lo0
> during
> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6912829
>        When rebooting or halting a non-global zone, the global zone
>        may panic.  This can also occur if a loopback interface is
>        unplumbed.
>        Work-around: None at this time.  This issue has been resolved
>        has been resolved in build 132.
> Existing issues in this repository update or in updating to it
> ==============================================================
> 13488 LiveCD changes required for new GDM
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=13488
>        After booting the Live CD, one is presented with a login screen
>        rather than being logged in automatically to the desktop.
>        Work-around: Login manually using the username "jack" and the
>        password "jack".
> 13534 "Could not update ICEauthority file /.ICEauthority" on bootup of
> build 130
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=13534
>        After the system boots, the following warning dialog boxes may
>        be displayed
>                Could not update ICEauthority file /.ICEauthority
>                There is a problem with the configuration server
>                (/usr/lib/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)
>        Work-around: Clicking on the "Close" button for each dialog box
>        will permit one to login normally.  Once logged in, enter the
>        following command to correct the home directory for the "gdm"
>        user
>                u...@host$ pfexec usermod -d /var/lib/gdm gdm
> 13540 Xserver crashes and freezes a system installed with LiveCD on bld 130
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=13540
>        After installation, the X server may crash and appears to not
>        be restarted by the GNOME Display Manager (gdm).
>        Work-around: None at this time.
> 13233 /contrib packages should not depend on "entire"
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=13233
>        If packages from the "/contrib" repository have been installed
>        on the system, attempts to update the system may cause the
>        following error to occur
>                pkg: Requested "install" operation would affect files that
>                cannot be modified in live image.
>                Please retry this operation on an alternate boot
> environment.
>        Work-around: Uninstall the packages from "/contrib" which are
>        causing the issue.  The list can be found through the following
>        command
>                u...@host$ pkg contents -Ho pkg.name,action.raw -t depend |
> \
>                        grep fmri=entire@ | cut -f1
>        Once these packages have been uninstalled, repeat the packaging
>        update.
> 11523 only permit FMRIs from same publisher for network repositories
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=11523
>        When performing certain packaging operations, errors of the
>        following form may be displayed
>                pkg: The following pattern(s) did not match any
>                packages in the current catalog.  Try relaxing the
>                pattern, refreshing and/or examining the catalogs:
>        or
>                The catalog retrieved for publisher '<some name>' only
>                contains package data for these publisher(s):
>                opensolaris.org.  To resolve this issue, update this
>                publisher to use the correct repository origin, or add
>                one of the listed publishers using this publisher's
>                repository origin.
>        These both reflect that the name of publisher has been
>        incorrectly set to a value other than "opensolaris.org".  When
>        using http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/ as an origin URI, the
>        name of the publisher must be "opensolaris.org" and there
>        should be no other publishers with that name.
>        In addition, specifying a publisher for both the
>        http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/ and
>        http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release/ origin URIs is an error as
>        only one of them should be in use at a time, using a publisher
>        of "opensolaris.org".
>        Work-around: If there is a publisher "publisher name" defined
>        for the http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release/ origin URI, remove
>        this first
>                u...@host$ pfexec pkg unset-publisher <publisher name>
>        Then reset the publisher back to the correct value
>                u...@host$ pfexec pkg set-publisher \
>                        -O http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev/ opensolaris.org
> 8347 Move boot archive from /boot/x86.microroot to
> /platform/i86pc/boot_archive
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=8347
>        Automated Installer servers must themselves be updated to at
>        least build 128a in order to serve build 128a or greater
>        images.  In addition, systems running the Distribution
>        Constructor should also be updated in order to build images
>        based on build 128a or greater.
> 11051 default ai 121 dev ai build should point to /dev
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=11051
>        When using the Automated Installer (AI) to install development
>        builds over the network, the manifest used for the install
>        service should be updated to reflect that packages should be
>        installed from the development repository.
>        First copy the default manifest from your install image.
>        Assuming the name of the create AI service is <svc_name>, then
>        AI<svc_name> represents the name of the smf(5) property group
>        that contains the path to the image
>                u...@host$ image_path=`svcprop -c -p
> AI<svc_name>/image_path`
>        Next copy the default.xml file from that image and change the
>        "main url" attribute of the "ai_pkg_repo_default_publisher"
>        element from "http://pkg.opensolaris.org/release"; to
>        "http://pkg.opensolaris.org/dev";
>                u...@host$ cp ${image_path}/auto_install/default.xml /tmp
>                u...@host$ <edit /tmp/default.xml as described>
>        Finally associate the modified manifest with the install
>        service
>                u...@host$ pfexec installadm add -m /tmp/default.xml \
>                        -n <svc_name>
>        Note that users of the "bootable" AI CD and USB ISO should make
>        a similar change to the custom manifest that can specified as
>        part of its installation procedure.
> 12380 image-update loses /dev/ptmx from /etc/minor_perm
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=12380
>        When using image-update or the Package Manager to update to
>        build 125 or greater, remote access to the system via ssh(1) or
>        rlogin(1) may become unavailable.  Alternatively, using
>        terminal programs such as gnome-terminal(1) or xterm(1) may
>        result in characters not being echoed or commands unable to be
>        typed.
>        Work-around: Boot the original boot environment (BE) instead
>        and correct the /etc/minor_perm file contained within as
>        follows
>                <reboot into the earlier BE>
>                u...@host$ pfexec beadm mount <name of new BE> /mnt
>                u...@host$ pfexec sh -c \
>                        "grep ^clone: /etc/minor_perm >>
> /mnt/etc/minor_perm"
>                u...@host$ pfexec touch /mnt/reconfigure
>                u...@host$ pfexec bootadm update-archive -R /mnt
>                u...@host$ pfexec beadm unmount <name of new BE>
>        At this point, the new BE can be booted into.
> 10630 driver action gets confused by driver_aliases entries not covered by
> an
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=10630
>        When using image-update or the Package Manager to update to
>        build 121 or later, messages of the following form may be
>        displayed
>                The 'pcieb' driver shares the alias 'pciexclass,060400'
>                with the 'pcie_pci' driver, but the system cannot
>                determine how the latter was delivered.  Its entry on
>                line 2 in /etc/driver_aliases has been commented out.
>                If this driver is no longer needed, it may be removed
>                by booting into the 'opensolaris-2' boot environment
>                and invoking 'rem_drv pcie_pci' as well as removing
>                line 2 from /etc/driver_aliases or, before rebooting,
>                mounting the 'opensolaris-2' boot environment and
>                running 'rem_drv -b <mount point> pcie_pci' and
>                removing line 2 from <mount point>/etc/driver_aliases.
>        Work-around: These messages can be ignored.
> 6877673 add_drv fails with a permissions entry with a minor name including
> a
> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6877673
>        When using image-update or the Package Manager to update,
>        messages of the following form may be displayed
>                driver (clone) upgrade (removal of minor perm
>                'vnic 0666 root sys') failed with return code 252
>                command run was: /usr/sbin/update_drv -b /tmp/tmp65jZ-x -d
>                -m vnic 0666 root sys clone
>                command output was:
>                ------------------------------------------------------------
>                No entry found for driver (clone) in file
>                (/tmp/tmp65jZ-x/etc/minor_perm).
>                ------------------------------------------------------------
>        or
>                driver (asy) upgrade (addition of minor perm
>                '*,cu 0600 uucp uucp') failed with return code 255
>                command run was: /usr/sbin/update_drv -b /tmp/tmp65jZ-x -a
>                -m *,cu 0600 uucp uucp asy
>                command output was:
>                ------------------------------------------------------------
>                Option (-m) : missing token: (*)
>                ------------------------------------------------------------
>        Work-around: These messages can be ignored.
> 9568 image-update produces driver removal of policy warnings
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=9568
>        When using image-update or the Package Manager to update from
>        builds prior to 123, warnings of the following form may be
>        displayed during a packaging update
>                driver (ibd) upgrade (removal of
>                policy'read_priv_set=net_rawaccess
> write_priv_set=net_rawaccess)
>                failed: minor node spec required.
>        Work-around: These messages can be ignored.
> 10778 image-update to snv_120 produces warnings about etc/sma/snmp/mibs
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=10778
>        When using image-update or the Package Manager to update to
>        build 120 or later, a message of the following form may be
>        displayed
>                Warning - directory etc/sma/snmp/mibs not empty - contents
>                preserved in
>                /tmp/<path>/var/pkg/lost+found/etc/sma/snmp/mibs-<time
> stamp>
>        Work-around: This message can be ignored.
> 11602 Failures seen after rebooting from a image-update from 2009.06 to
> snv_124
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=11602
>        When booting the system the first time after updating to build
>        124, messages of the following form may be displayed
>                inetd[5503]: Failed to update state of instance
>                svc:/application/x11/xfs:default in repository: entity not
> found
>        Work-around: These messages can be ignored.
> 10010 reconfigure transport timeouts
> http://defect.opensolaris.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=10010
>        When installing packages on or updating from builds 118 or 121,
>        the operation may fail with messages of the form
>                1: Framework error: code: 28
>                reason: Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds
>                with <some number> out of <some other number> bytes received
>        Work-around: Set the environment variable PKG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT to
>        15 minutes (900 seconds) or more, depending on the throughput
>        to the repository and the size of the files in the package in
>        question
>                u...@host$ PKG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT=900
>                u...@host$ export PKG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT
>                u...@host$ pfexec pkg install <name of packages>
> 6909040 filemerge fonts broken after upgrade to nv_129
> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6909040
>        Some legacy X11 applications may display characters as boxes
>        instead of the expected values.
>        Work-around: Adjust the order in which the fonts in question
>        are matching using the following set of commands
>                u...@host$ cd /etc/X11/fontpath.d
>                u...@host$ pfexec mv 100dpi:unscaled:pri=20 \
>                        100dpi:unscaled:pri=22
>                u...@host$ pfexec mv 75dpi:unscaled:pri=25 \
>                        75dpi:unscaled:pri=27
> ISO image information
> =====================
> ISO images for the Automated Installer[1] and [2], CD-R/CD-RW and USB
> are being made available for this build via BitTorrent.  Torrent files
> are provided as follows
>        SPARC Automated Installer image, 276MB
>        http://dlc.sun.com/torrents/info/osol-dev-131-ai-sparc.iso.torrent
>        x86/x64 Automated Installer image, 272MB
>        http://dlc.sun.com/torrents/info/osol-dev-131-ai-x86.iso.torrent
>        x86/x64 Automated Installer USB image, 326MB
>        http://dlc.sun.com/torrents/info/osol-dev-131-ai-x86.usb.torrent
>        x86/x64 All Languages CD image, LZMA compression, 647MB
>        http://dlc.sun.com/torrents/info/osol-dev-131-x86.iso.torrent
>        x86/x64 All Languages USB image, LZMA compression, 777MB
>        http://dlc.sun.com/torrents/info/osol-dev-131-x86.usb.torrent
> The ISO images are also available for HTTP download from
> http://www.genunix.org/
> MD5 checksums for these images can be downloaded from
> http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/download/Project+indiana/files/md5sums131.txt
> USB images can be copied to a USB device using the "usbcopy" program
> that is part of the SUNWdistro-const package or by downloading the
> script[3].
> New packages in this repository update
> ======================================
> SUNWgnome-print-papi    GNOME printing technology - libgnomeprintpapi
> backend
> SUNWxcu4t               XCU4 make and sccs utilities
> Image Packaging System (IPS) specific bugs addressed in this repository
> update
> ==============================================================================
> 2031 postgres role specifies non-existent pfksh shell
> 5586 licenseinfo api needs to expose license action attributes
> 5732 packagemanager should have support for click-thru license
> 5943 add 'must-accept' attribute to license actions
> 6284 depot should support --help and -? options
> 12419 verify should be more liberal in dealing with
> /etc/security/device_policy
> 12581 SUNWddu needs dependency update once switched to 2.6 based
> 12592 Update Manager needs work for HighContrast theme
> 12739 remote search returns no results if one depot fails
> 12852 pkg.server.api should have methods for getting package information
> 12881 Changed lost when Add or Modify publisher in Manager Publishers
> dialog
> 12943 Upgrade unbundled LDoms Manager package to v1.3
> 12954 shouldn't drop open-only build products as nonredistributable
> 13115 Status changes in recent search results
> 13153 Improve Package Manager category support
> 13155 add 'must-display' attribute to license actions
> 13158 change pkg.client.api to understand and require license acceptance
> 13160 pkg(1) needs update for client api license acceptance changes
> 13211 Category state not restored properly
> 13315 Canceling a search in PM is not keyboard accessible
> 13333 PM Provide user notification when errors written to log in GUI.
> 13345 SUNWIPython packaging issue in osol_129
> 13458 manifest store can raise exception if directory already exists
> 13476 Importer should check for require dependencies on obsolete pkgs
> 13485 indexer.check_for_updates broken by catalog v1
> 13492 Latest Version looks wrong for packages with updates
> 13499 port solver to non-sunos platforms
> 13504 RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
> 13522 PM Update Start Page Link for 2010.03
> 13527 Traceback when selecting package for the contrib repo
> 13533 user/group "upnp" needs to be added to SUNWpython26-coherence package
> 13539 SUNWgnome-a11y-poke requires SUNWgnome-python26-desktop
> 13552 txzonemgr default internal zone is not completely set up
> 13560 Missing dependency between SUNWipkg-um and SUNWipkg-gui
> 13579 Missing dependency: SUNWgnome-media-player requires
> SUNWpython26-coherence
> 13583 Package remains marked ("selected") after initial install from a
> newly
> 13590 packagemanager unable to install new package in german locale
> 13639 amp meta cluster should only include apache, mysql and php
> 13661 Formatting issues with info tab in German
> 13700 Package Manager Help needs to be updated
> 13720 /usr/bin/patch should be a usable version
> 13740 pkg state update should discard all entries not known or installed
> 13745 importer incorrectly handling obsoleted/renamed packages in
> consolidations
> 13746 transport should close connections after download phase
> 13747 https without clientside key and cert should work
> 13764 pkg.depotd usage message could be less verbose
> 13796 pkg(5) could stand to have its C modules optimized
> 13800 pkg list option order can cause output differences
> 13828 resync repository to snv_131
> 13829 Miscellaneous g11n package changes
> 13830 generation of /usr/has versions of vi & friends can be cleaned up
> 13832 merge publication could be faster
> 13852 PM needs a global error handler for uncaught exceptions
> 13855 add SUNWttf-ipafont-mincho to lang-support-japanese
> 13890 Update Manager fails to run
> Caiman installer specific bugs addressed in this repository update
> ==================================================================
> 3446 usbcopy cannot work with localized message command.
> 4113 nice to have an option to show what service the client is using
> 4175 install list error slips out
> 4298 installadm list -n should give different output if there is no custom
> 4330 installadm list should show which server provide the install services.
> 4597 installadm list: expect usage statement when giving service name
> without
> 4646 list: showing added manifest for a non running service.
> 5018 usbcopy needs signal handler
> 5300 list: does not show informational message for non running service.
> 5451 No way to permanently target specific disk in AI engine manifest
> 6811 list: should have similar output between list and list -n
> 7057 desire for being able to specify boot disk as installation target in
> AI
> 7058 desire for being able to pick up disk as installation target by
> specifying
> 8496 list: no verbiage indicating that a service does not exist when a
> 8529 'installadm list' command lists same service three times
> 9094 installadm list: prints colons for empty MAC fields, and doesn't
> account
> 11654 usbcopy fails to copy osol_124 usb to usb flash device due to problem
> with
> 12661 Update marketing graphics on Installation screen
> 12808 Need to update man page and documentation for create-client
> 13335 Send usr/src/tools/genmsg to trash
> 13432 circular dependency between libict and liborchestor exists
> 13518 'installadm add' does not validate against AI schema from the image
> 13519 slim_source (rev 5830a0d56921) full build fails
> 13550 list output has additional error
> 13693 VESA boot mode doesn't work on build 130
> [1] http://dlc.sun.com/osol/docs/content/dev/AIinstall/
> [2] http://blogs.sun.com/aalok/entry/automated_installer_from_media
> [3]
> http://src.opensolaris.org/source/raw/caiman/slim_source/usr/src/cmd/install-tools/usbcopy
> _______________________________________________
> opensolaris-announce mailing list
> opensolaris-annou...@opensolaris.org
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/opensolaris-announce

ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font!
de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode
en: I would like to improve the world, but God not gives to me the source
es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!

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