The entire thing ma'am. The structure starting from the point where it
emerged from the liana vertically downwards (in the first attached photo,
there is a close up of this) crumbled immediately. They were definitely
growing downwards from the liana.

and no ma'am. No chance of us going back there soon. May be once the
monsoon sets, we might make a trip there. It is slightly expensive, getting
into the evergreen patch of forest within the sanctuary.

And as far as I could tell, the area was a pure, pristine forest. No sign
of any fire.

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 11:48 PM, Ushadi Micromini <> wrote:

> you mean the entire thickness of the rope like structure crumbled in your
> hand or just the funny flaky looking grey flat pieces ?
> is this going from the earth upwards?
> was this on several trees or only on this one?
> If its just the flaky grey things climbing up the ropes...
> ist choice....fungal colonies?
>  If you are going back , then ....very gingerly cut a piece with very
> sharp knives and put piece in 10% formalin and give it to some histology
> lab to do histology slides if possible, fungus will show up very nicely...
> are you by any chance going back?
> second thing I just thought of was ... could it be ash?
> like what if there was a short duration fire and the bark(?) on the aerial
> roots burned but did not fall down, and the fire itself was of self
> limiting nature.
> Far fetched scenario but it could happen.
> third some weird LICHEN that I dont know anything about.. usually they are
> flat and dont really crumble easily. There is one stick/root behind your or
> someone's head in one of the pictures.. look they are flat colonies...
> fourth... some sort of sap... non-resinous, dried out and so crumbled
> easily.
> fifth:
> some insects like the termites or their cousins are living inside and this
> is their poop...along with wood dust they discarded...
> well I cant  think anymore... reached my limit of weirdness..
> lets hear from some plant pathologists
> they would know for sure...
> its perhaps something very simple... and obvious ...
> to the person who knows...
> usha di
> *Gurcharanji Vijay Shrikant Radha and Satish I* included u in this
> because I am hoping you either know this or know a plant pathologist...
> please help
> I am now very curious to know this ...
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 11:23 PM, Anurag Sharma <>
> wrote:
>> This was growing not unlike prop roots but from a very large and old
>> liana in an evergreen forest. When I caught hold of one it crumbled in my
>> hand. I checked, but it had no clear internal structure.
>> Date: March 2015
>> Place: Aralam WLS, Kerala
>> Habit from which this growing: Liana
>> Habitat: Evergreen forest
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> Usha di
> ===========

Anurag N. Sharma
BSc. (CBZ) 2nd Year
St. Josephs College

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