this is a nuisance here in germany. they come out normally in the evening and by wet weather, and eat the young plants totally. Erinaceidae ( like to eat slugs, but these ones they don't like. No bird likes to eat these slugs.

As I don't want to use chemicals in my garden, i go out in the garden, when it is dark, collect these creatures and throw them away in the woods.


Am 07.08.2015 um 07:52 schrieb 'Vijay' [InvertebrateIndia]:
[Attachment(s) <#TopText> from 'Vijay' [InvertebrateIndia] included below]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ashwini Bhatia
Date: 7 August 2015 at 09:29
Subject: An unusual question

This one is an unusual ID request though not completely unrelated to
plants. These slugs are very common here and I have been trying to find a
proper ID for some time now without success. I am hopeful that someone on
this group can help.

These grow to be about 10-15 cm long and emerge in large numbers just
before he monsoons.


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