A. acuminata (Roxb. ex DC) Guill. & Perr. (syn. A. pendula Edgew.)
Trees of Delhi and Flora of Maha  follow a system of their own, pls do
not look upon this as a discrepancy. I have followed BSI's flora.
Rgds, Shrikant

On Mar 7, 9:17 am, shrikant ingalhalikar <le...@rediffmail.com> wrote:
> The branches are pendulous, leaves are acuminate and 5-7 nerved and
> the peduncles are not branched. These characters lead to A. acuminata.
> The other A. latifolia would have had branches not pendulous, leaves
> obtuse and 6-10 nerved, peduncles branched. The key character says
> that for A. acuminata beak shorter than the nucleus of the fruit which
> is apparent in the picture. Regards, Shrikant
> On Mar 5, 8:19 pm, Satish Phadke <phadke.sat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think the tree in the picture is Anogeissus acuminata syn.Anogeissus
> > pendula
> > Please validate.
> > Dr Phadke
> >   *Date/Time-*
> > * *
> > * 4th Feb 2010 2:30pm
> > *
> > *Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- *
> > * *
> > * Pune University campus. Near signal
> > *
> > *Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-*
> > * *
> > * Wild*
> > *Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  *
> > * *
> > * tree
> > *
> > *Height/Length- *
> > * *
> > * **12-15M*
> > *Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- *
> > * *
> > * simple.*
> > *Inflorescence Type/ Size- *
> > * *
> > * *
> > *Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-*
> > * *
> > * 1.2cm*
> > *Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-*
> > * *
> > *
> > *
> > *Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.-*
> > * *
> >  Anogeissus acuminata1.jpg
> > 154KViewDownload
> >  Anogeissus acuminata2.jpg
> > 224KViewDownload
> >  Anogeissus acuminata3.jpg
> > 181KViewDownload
> >  Anogeissus .jpg
> > 132KViewDownload- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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