Thank you Mr. Garg!

Yet to be included in the site.

Saroj Kasaju

On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 2:44 PM J.M. Garg <> wrote:

> On checking with keys in flora of Bhutan lead me to *Indigofera bracteata*
> Graham ex Baker. It matches as per description given herein as below:
> "14. I. bracteata Baker
> Similar to 1. hebeperala but stems prostrate or trailing; leaves 4-9cm,
> leaflets 5-7, elliptic or obovate, lā€”3><0.5ā€”l.2cm, obtuse, base cuneate,
> glabrous or weakly appressed pubescent on upper surface, more strongly
> appressed pubescent beneath; stipules subulate 2ā€”3mm, i persistent; racemes
> 7ā€”20cm bearing flowers in upper half of rachis, naked below, bracts
> elliptic 4-6>< 2mm ; calyx c 2mm, teeth short and broad; petals purple,
> standard broadly elliptic, c 10><6mm, wings and keel c 10><2.5mm; pods
> (immature) linear, glabrous, deflexed.
> Bhutan/Chumbi frontier: Sharna to Choidiponkay; Sikkim. 2800m. July."
> It also matches with the description given in Flora of China
> <> and
> as per FOC illustration
> <>
> along with specimens in GBIF <>. Also
> see Checklist of Nepal
> <>.
> Could not find any image on net.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Saroj Kasaju <>
> Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2019 at 12:49
> Subject: SK1965 02 June 2019
> To: efloraindia <>, J.M. Garg <
> Dear Members,
> Location: Chandragiri, Kathmandu, Nepal
> Altitude: 2543 m.
> Date: 27 May 2019
> Habit : Wild
> Looks like Indigofera sp but not the I.  exillis. Maximum 7 foliate.
> Last year post link !
> SK1304 20 JUL 2018
> <!searchin/indiantreepix/indigofera$20exilis%7Csort:date/indiantreepix/uXtFO3AVpqA/jsfu3qLYAwAJ>
> Thank you.
> Saroj Kasaju
> --
> With regards,
> J.M.Garg
> 'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
> <>
> Winner of Wipro-NFS Sparrow Awards 2014 for efloraofindia
> <>.
> For identification, learning, discussion & documentation of Indian Flora,
> please visit/ join our Efloraofindia Google e-group
> <!forum/indiantreepix> (largest in the
> world- more than 3,000 members & 3,00,000 messages on 23.8.18) or 
> Efloraofindia
> website <> (with a species
> database of more than 13,000 species & 3,00,000 images of which more than
> 2,00,000 images are directly displayed on 30.8.19).
> The whole world uses my Image Resource
> <> of more than a
> thousand species & eight thousand images of Birds, Butterflies, Plants etc.
> (arranged alphabetically & place-wise). You can also use them for free as
> per Creative Commons license attached with each image.
> Also author of 'A Photoguide to the Birds of Kolkata & Common Birds of
> India'.

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