Dear members,
Both appear to be quite close as per Keys in Flora of Pakistan
<>, as
1 Leaves subamplexicaul-auricled, green glandular on upper surface, white
tomentose beneath.   Pseudognaphalium hypolecum
+ Leaves sessile not amplexicaul or auricled, whitish tomentose on both
surfaces.   (2)

2 (1)
pale to dark brown or reddish brown.   Pseudognaphalium luteo-album
+ Phyllaries citrine to golden yellow.   Pseudognaphalium affine

Keys are also available in Flora of China
<>, with
phyllaries silvery gray to yellowish in *Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum* as
per description
<> in it
Other important aspects as per keys are:
Dwarf herbs, 10-40 cm tall; leaves 1-veined
Annual herbs; leaves spatulate or spatulate-oblong, apex obtusely rounded,
base narrower.  *P. luteoalbum*

Stems white lanate; leaf base decurrent, sometimes slightly amplexicaul;
capitula 2-4 mm in diam.
Dwarf herbs, 10-40 cm tall, usually branched from base; leaves spatulate or
spatulate-oblanceolate, not amplexicaul or auriculate, whitish tomentose on
both surfaces; pappus connate at base. *P. affine*

Specimens in GBIF can be seen at P. luteoalbum
<> (specimen one
two <> and three
and P. affine <>
Based on the above, I will have a relook at different posts in our
With regards,

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