Dear Ken, Shrikant ji and Ajinkya ... many many thanks for the ID ... am
convinced with *Ficus benjamina*.

The figs, yellowish like ripe lemon colour, are about 20 - 25 mm slightly
ellipsoid abruptly tapering to a point ... hope that can give us some idea
about the variety.

Referring Pradip Krishen ji's Trees of Delhi ... *F. benjamina* var. *comosa
* seems a possible candidate.
Since this species of Ficus is one of the most popular in gardens, there are
lot of cultivars (... to me, lot of confusion) !!
Will wait for comments.


On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Pankaj Kumar <> wrote:

> This does look like usual Ficus benjamina to me, but there are more
> than one cultivars of this, nuda and compacta.
> Pankaj

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