*An important correction:*
*In my first post the paragraph :*

* “.. *the  shape and morphology of its nutlets is very similar to that 
found in the genus *Nonea*   yet it differs in having a polysepalous calyx 
while the  calyx of the members of the genus *Nonea *Medik is invariably 
gamosepalous. The presence of a polysepalous calyx leaves us no option but 
to put it in a separate genus.”

*should be replaced by the following paragraph:*

“..the shape and morphology of its nutlets is very similar to that found in 
the genus *Nonea* yet it differs in having a calyx in which the lobes are 
divided to the base while the calyx of the members of the genus *Nonea *Medik 
is invariably 5 fid shortly or ½ of its length but never divided to the 
base and the tube is enclosing the nutlets. The presence of a calyx with 
lobes divided to the base and hence no  tube enclosing the nutlets leaves 
us with no option but to put it in a separate genus.”

It is my endeavor to correct any inaccuracies that tend to creep into an 
informal write up. I  request the members also to make me aware of any 
discrepancies between the photos that I post and my written statements.




On Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 12:57:25 PM UTC+5:30 taffa...@gmail.com 

> *DETAILS OF LEAVES*Leaves lanceolate (Basal) to oblanceolate (cauline). 
> Basal and cauline leaves 50-100 X 20-10 mm. Basal leaves sessile  or almost 
> sessile. Cauline leaves with winged petioles. Leaves covered  with small 
> and large erect hairs similar to those on the stem and like them arising 
> from swollen bases. These swollen bases appear like numerous small 
> swellings (tubercles) to the unaided eye (see photos).
> *Notes on Photos (From L to R)*
> Photo1: Microphotograph of leaf hair magnificationX100. The swollen base 
> of the hair is clearly visible
> Photo2 and Photo 4: Note the winged petioles of cauline leaves and swollen 
> bases of hairs appearing like numerous tubercles
> Photo5: Note the hairy surface covered with short and long erect hairs
> Photo 6 and Photo 7: Note 5mm thick stem and sessile basal leaves.

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