For your interest:

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From: JDE Journals <>
Date: Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 7:21 AM
Subject: Invitation to Review: JDE-10-005

*Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology* <>

Dear  Colleague,

We received a manuscript titled: *Evaluation of Glycemic Indices of Rice
(served with stew) prepared from four varieties of rice in Abakaliki,
Nigeria.* I wish to inquire if you can create time to review this manuscript
and send it to us within two weeks. Kindly send me an email to acknowledge
the receipt of this mail.

Find below the abstract of the manuscript.

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*INTRODUCTION: The increasing rate of diabetic patients in Nigeria calls for
concern. There is also the need for enough information on the glycemic index
(GI) of many commonly consumed foods in Nigeria. This study was therefore
designed to determine the glycemic indices of local varieties of rice
produced in Abakaliki and to identify the variety that would be better
tolerated by diabetic patients in the locality.*

*METHOD: The GIs of four rice varieties namely FARO-44, FARO-51, FARO-52 and
NERICA-1 were determined by feeding a fixed portion of the prepared rice
containing 50g of carbohydrate to 12 healthy volunteers. Finger-prick blood
samples were investigated at 30 minutes intervals after a period of 2 hours
following the ingestion of the prepared meal. Blood glucose response was
monitored using a glucometer. Blood glucose curves were then constructed
using blood glucose values at time 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after the
meals. The GIs were calculated by dividing the incremental area under the
curve (IAUC) for tested food by that of the standard food IAUC (white bread
as standard).*

*RESULTS: The results showed that FARO-52 has GI of 75, FARO-44, with GI of
77, NERICA-1 had GI of 88 while the GI of FARO-51 was 98. Therefore FARO-44
and FARO-52 with the lowest GIs should be preferred to the other varieties
for diabetic patients.*

*Conclusion: The results of this study showed that some rice varieties
(FARO-52 and FARO-44) in Abakaliki area could be used for dietary management
of diabetes when appropriately prescribed.*

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,**

* *

Emmanuel Ejitagha

Editorial Assistant

Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology (JDE)

E-mail: ** <>

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