Now correctly known as 
*Euphorbia umbellata* (Pax) Bruyns
*Syn: E**uphorbia pseudograntii* Bruyns in Taxon 55: 414 (2006), nom. illeg.
*        Synadenium grantii* Hook.f. in Bot. Mag. 83: t. 5633 (1867)

On Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 12:35:33 PM UTC+5:30 Rashida Atthar wrote:

> Yes Sir, thankyou, this seem logical and correct. 
> regards,
> Rashida.
> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Gurcharan Singh <> 
> wrote:
>> Rashida ji 
>> Thanks for pointing out. I should have checked it earlier. Now according 
>> to my analysis the Correct name should be Euphorbia umbellata (Pax) Bruyns, 
>> because the author himself had made this correction in 2007, the name 
>> Euphorbia pseudograntii being already occupied by a totally different 
>> species E. pseudograntii Pax.
>> The Name for our plant should accordingly be:
>> *Euphorbia umbellata* (Pax) Bruyns, Euphorbia World 3: 5 2007.
>> syn: *Euphorbia* *pseudograntii* Bruyns (non Pax)  [Illegitimate]
>>        *Synadenium* *grantii* Hook.f.
>>        *Synadenium* *umbellatum* Pax
>> Accordingly in the key the name Euphorbia pseudograntii will be replaced 
>> by Euphorbia umbellata
>> Stems unarmed; without stipular spines
>>      All leaves of same colour 
>>           Leaves longer than 8 cm, 
>> green.............................................................................................E.
>> umbellata
>>           Leaves up to 8 cm long
>>                Stem and leaves uniformly red, leaves in whorls of three, 
>> petiole almost as long as blade.......E. cotoniifolia
>>                Stem and leaves green, leaves alternate, petiole much 
>> shorter than blade
>>                      Leaves shorter than 2 cm, less than 2 mm broad, 
>> branches straight, mostly leafless
>>                                              (leaves early 
>> deciduous)......................................................................E.
>> tirucalli
>>                       Leaves longer than 3 cm, more than 2 cm broad, 
>> branches zigzag, mostly with leaves.......E. tithymaloides
>>     All leaves not of same colour;  lower leaves green, upper partly or 
>> uniformally coloured; leaves longer than 8 cm 
>>                Leaves below the inflorescence uniformally coloured (red, 
>> white or yellow); leaves not lobed...E. pulcherrima
>>                Leaves below the inflorescence coloured only at base; 
>> leaves lobed or not
>>                     Base of upper leaves pale green or pale white; leaves 
>> lobed or not...............................E. heterophylla
>>                     Base of upper leaves red; leaves 
>> lobed......................................................................E.
>> cyathophora
>> Stems armed with spines
>>      Spines borne on stem, usually longer than 1 cm; two showy bracts 
>> around cyathium...................E. milii
>>      Spines borne on raised shield, usually shorter than 1 cm, two showy 
>> bracts lacking                    
>>           Stem rounded, not angled or winged
>>                Shrub wiithout trunk with branches arising from base, 
>> smaller leaves (3-8 cm long)
>>                     and longer spines 0.5-1 cm.............E caducifolia
>>                Tree with distinct trunk, leaves 10-25 cm long, spines 
>> shorter than 0.5 cm........................E. nivulia).
>>           Stem angled or winged
>>                 Angles not produced into wing, spirally 
>> arranged:....................................................... E. 
>> neriifolia
>>                Angles produced into wings
>>                     Wings 3-4
>>                           The wings running straight, sinuate, regularly 
>> dentate
>>                                              Stems green without white 
>> bands....................................................E. antiquorum
>>                                              Stems white wholly or 
>> partially
>>                                                         The stems with 
>> white bands on faces
>>                                                               Apex of 
>> stem not cristate (without crowns at tips)...........E. lactea
>>                                                               Apex of 
>> stem cristate (with crowns at tips)......................E lactea cv. 
>> Cristata           
>>                                                        The  stems 
>> uniformly greyish white...................................... ...E. lactea 
>> cv. White Ghost     
>>                          The wings running spirally, 
>> ...................................................................................E.
>> tortilis 
>>                  Wings 5-6, 
>> undulate.....................................................................................................E.
>> royleana
>> -- 
>> Dr. Gurcharan Singh
>> Retired  Associate Professor
>> SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
>> Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
>> Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089
>> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Rashida Atthar <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Thankyou for posting one  more Euphrorbia Sir. There is a minor 
>>> variation in the nomenclature as compared to Kew Plant List: Euphorbia 
>>> pseudograntii Pax  is mentioned as the accepted name. Request your 
>>> observations about the same. The type specimen does seem to match your 
>>> plant.  
>>> regards,
>>> Rashida.
>>> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Gurcharan Singh <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Euphorbia pseudograntiitin Bruyns,  Taxon 55:414. 2006 
>>>>  syn: *Synadenium grantii* Hook. f.
>>>> A glabrous shrub cultivated in pots or beds in Delhi, evidently growing 
>>>> several feet tall along roadsides in South India.
>>>> Common Name: African milk bush
>>>> With the addition of this species the key to woody species would be 
>>>> revised as
>>>> Stems unarmed; without stipular spines
>>>>      All leaves of same colour 
>>>>           Leaves longer than 8 cm, 
>>>> green.............................................................................................E.
>>>> pseudograntii
>>>>           Leaves up to 8 cm long
>>>>                Stem and leaves uniformly red, leaves in whorls of 
>>>> three, petiole almost as long as blade.......E. cotoniifolia
>>>>                Stem and leaves green, leaves alternate, petiole much 
>>>> shorter than blade
>>>>                      Leaves shorter than 2 cm, less than 2 mm broad, 
>>>> branches straight, mostly leafless
>>>>                                              (leaves early 
>>>> deciduous)......................................................................E.
>>>> tirucalli
>>>>                       Leaves longer than 3 cm, more than 2 cm broad, 
>>>> branches zigzag, mostly with leaves.......E. tithymaloides
>>>>     All leaves not of same colour;  lower leaves green, upper partly or 
>>>> uniformally coloured; leaves longer than 8 cm 
>>>>                Leaves below the inflorescence uniformally coloured 
>>>> (red, white or yellow); leaves not lobed...E. pulcherrima
>>>>                Leaves below the inflorescence coloured only at base; 
>>>> leaves lobed or not
>>>>                     Base of upper leaves pale green or pale white; 
>>>> leaves lobed or not...............................E. heterophylla
>>>>                     Base of upper leaves red; leaves 
>>>> lobed......................................................................E.
>>>> cyathophora
>>>> Stems armed with spines
>>>>      Spines borne on stem, usually longer than 1 cm; two showy bracts 
>>>> around cyathium...................E. milii
>>>>      Spines borne on raised shield, usually shorter than 1 cm, two 
>>>> showy bracts lacking                    
>>>>           Stem rounded, not angled or winged
>>>>                Shrub wiithout trunk with branches arising from base, 
>>>> smaller leaves (3-8 cm long)
>>>>                       and longer spines 0.5-1 cm.............E caducifolia
>>>>                Tree with distinct trunk, leaves 10-25 cm long, spines 
>>>> shorter than 0.5 cm........................E. nivulia).
>>>>           Stem angled or winged
>>>>                 Angles not produced into wing, spirally 
>>>> arranged:....................................................... E. 
>>>> neriifolia
>>>>                Angles produced into wings
>>>>                     Wings 3-4
>>>>                           The wings running straight, sinuate, 
>>>> regularly dentate
>>>>                                              Stems green without white 
>>>> bands....................................................E. antiquorum
>>>>                                              Stems white wholly or 
>>>> partially
>>>>                                                         The stems with 
>>>> white bands on faces
>>>>                                                               Apex of 
>>>> stem not cristate (without crowns at tips)...........E. lactea
>>>>                                                               Apex of 
>>>> stem cristate (with crowns at tips)......................E lactea cv. 
>>>> Cristata           
>>>>                                                        The  stems 
>>>> uniformly greyish white...................................... ...E. lactea 
>>>> cv. White Ghost     
>>>>                          The wings running spirally, 
>>>> ...................................................................................E.
>>>> tortilis 
>>>>                  Wings 5-6, 
>>>> undulate.....................................................................................................E.
>>>> royleana
>>>> -- 
>>>> Dr. Gurcharan Singh
>>>> Retired  Associate Professor
>>>> SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
>>>> Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
>>>> Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

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