*Haplanthodes verticillata* (Roxb.) R.B.Majumdar
[image: Haplanthodes verticillata (Roxb.) R.B.Majumdar]

¿ *hap-LANTH-oh-deez* ? -- Greek: *haplos* (single); *anthos* (flower)
*ver-ti-si-LAH-tuh* -- referring to a whorl ... Dave's Botanary

*commonly known as*: spiny bottle brush • *Gujarati*: કાળું કરિયાતું kalu
kariyatu • *Hindi*: काला किरियात kala kiriyat, कस्तुला kastula • *Konkani*:
काळें किरायतें kalem kiraytem • *Marathi*: जकारा jakara • *Tamil*: ஒட்டு
முடி குறிஞ்சி ottu mudi kurinji

*botanical names*: *Haplanthodes verticillata* (Roxb.) R.B.Majumdar
... *homotypic
synonyms*: *Bremekampia verticillata* (Roxb.) Sreem. • *Eranthemum
verticillatum* (Roxb.) Spreng. • *Justicia verticillata* Roxb. ... *heterotypic
synonyms*: *Dianthera verticillaris* (Nees) Stehlé & M.Stehlé • *Haplanthus
verticillaris* Nees ... POWO
... and, *Haplanthus verticillatus* (Roxb.) Duthie ... Botanical Survey of

*distribution in India*: Assam, Bihar, Goa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, endemic to India
... Botanical Survey of India
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
*spiny bottle brush*

   - name coined by Flowers of India
   the spike of spiny cladodes alluding to a bottle-brush

~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
*no given name / no name found*

   - Botanical Survey of India
   - Distribution doubtful, not listed in ... Flora of Assam
   <https://archive.org/details/FloraOfAssam3/mode/2up?view=theater> Vol
   III by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das

~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
*no given name / no name found*

   - Botanical Survey of India
   - Distribution doubtful, not listed in ... BENGAL PLANTS

~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
*કાળું કરિયાતું kalu kariyatu*

   - Flora of Gujarat State
   by G. L. Shah (1978)

~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
*काला किरियात kala kiriyat, कस्तुला kastula*

   - for synonym *Haplanthus verticillaris* Nees ... Banoshadhi -
   Chandrodaya <https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.341570>
   Vol.II - Chandraraj Bhandari

~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
*no given name / no name found*

   - Karnataka Biodiversity Board, 2019. FLORA OF KARNATAKA, A Checklist,
   Volume – 2: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.
   1 - 1002 (Published by Karnataka Biodiversity Board)

~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
*काळें किरायतें kalem kiraytem*

   - Enumeration of plants from Gomantak India
   with a note on botanical excursions to the Castlerock area by V D Vartak
   - काळें kalem = black; किरायतें kiraytem = generic name given to small
   medicinal herbs

~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
*no given name / no name found*

   - Botanical Survey of India

~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
*जकारा jakara*

   - for synonym *Haplanthus verticillaris* Nees ... Banoshadhi -
   Chandrodaya <https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.341570>
   Vol.II - Chandraraj Bhandari

~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
*no given name / no name found*

   - Botanical Survey of India

~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
*no given name / no name found*

   - Botanical Survey of India

~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
*ஒட்டு முடி குறிஞ்சி ottu mudi kurinji*

   - Many thanks to Dr Vijayasankar Raman for help with this name ...
   - Narasimhan, D. & Irwin, Sheeba. (2021).Flowering Plants of Tamil Nadu:
   A Compendium

~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
*no given name / no name found*

   - Flora Andhrika
   - Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India

~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Names compiled / updated at


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