*Clematis zeylanica* (L.) Poir.
[image: Clematis zeylanica (L.) Poir.]

*KLEM-uh-tiss* or *klem-AT-iss* -- ancient Greek *klematis* (vine);
climbing ... Dave's Botanary
*zey-LAN-ee-kuh* -- of or from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) ... Dave's Botanary

*commonly known as*: Ceylon clematis, Ceylon naravelia • *Assamese*: চাগল
লতি chagal lati, গোৰাপচৈ gorap-choi • *Bengali*: ছাগলবাটি chagalabati •
*Garo*: behalisham, jyrmailasam, sangongri, shamgangri • *Hindi*: वातनाशिनी
vatanasini • *Kannada*: ಅಗ್ನಿಬಳ್ಳಿ agniballi, ಅರಗಿನಬಳ್ಳಿ araginaballi, ಚರಚರ
ಬಳ್ಳಿ charachara balli, ನಾಕ್ ಚಿಕನಿ naak chikani • *Karbi*:
khoro-soi-rikang, nongnongbiki-ringkang • *Khasi*: jyrmai-lasam • *Konkani*:
नरवेल naravel • *Lepcha*: tumbumchilop • *Malayalam*: എരിവള്ളി erivalli,
കരുപ്പക്കൊടി karuppakkoti, തലവേദനവള്ളി thalavedanavalli, പൊഴന്തലച്ചി
pozhantalachi, വാതംകൊല്ലി vaathamkaalli, വാതക്കൊടി vaathakkodi • *Marathi*:
नरवेल naravel • *Mishing*: ৰামনাম ৰিবে ramnam-riube • *Nepali*: रसगार्गी
rasagaargee • *Sanskrit*: धनवल्ली dhanavalli, कृशानुग krshanuga • *Tamil*:
வாதம்கொல்லி vatamkolli • *Telugu*: కారు పిప్పల తివ్వ karu pippala tivva,
ముక్కు పీనాస తీగ mukku peenasa teega, పుల్ల బచ్చల pulla bachala • *Tulu*:
ತರೆಕುತ್ತುಥ ಬಳ್ಳು tharekutthutha ballu

*botanical names*: *Clematis zeylanica* (L.) Poir. ... *homotypic synonyms*:
*Atragene zeylanica* L. • *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... *heterotypic
synonyms*: *Atragene lobata* Llanos • *Naravelia lobata* (Llanos) Merr. ...
and more at POWO <https://powo.science.kew.org/>, retrieved 30 October 2023
Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid
permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise
their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites
may even close down at their own will.
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
written and spoken widely, in most parts of India
*Ceylon clematis, Ceylon naravelia*

   - Flowers of India
   ... names derived from the scientific names

~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
written in: *Assamese* (অসমীয়া) ... spoken in: *Assam*, Arunachal Pradesh,
*চাগল লতি chagal lati*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Many thanks to Brahmananda
   Patiri for help with this name ... facebook

*গোৰাপচৈ gorap-choi*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Many thanks to Brahmananda
   Patiri for help with this name ... facebook
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Flora of Assam
   <https://archive.org/details/FloraOfAssam11/mode/2up?view=theater> Vol I
   (Part I) by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das

~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
written in: *Bengali* (বাংলা) ... spoken in: *West Bengal*, Assam,
Jharkhand, Tripura
*ছাগলবাটি chagalabati*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Many thanks to Surajit Koley
   for help with this name ... efloraofindia
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... BENGAL PLANTS
   - ছাগল chagala = a he-goat (with curling horns); বাতি bati = horns ...
   refers to achenes / follicles, alluding to curled horns of a he-goat

~~~~~ GARO ~~~~~
written in: *Roman*, Bengali-Assamese, A-Chik Tok'birim ... spoken in:
*Meghalaya*, Assam

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Sharma, U.K., Pegu, S. -
   of religious and supernatural beliefs of the Mising tribes of Assam with
   special reference to the 'Dobur Uie'.
   <https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-4269-7-16> - J Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine
   7, 16 (2011).
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Flora of Assam
   <https://archive.org/details/FloraOfAssam11/mode/2up?view=theater> Vol I
   (Part I) by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das


   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Sharma, U.K., Pegu, S. -
   of religious and supernatural beliefs of the Mising tribes of Assam with
   special reference to the 'Dobur Uie'.
   <https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-4269-7-16> - J Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine
   7, 16 (2011).

*sangongri, shamgangri*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Flora of Assam
   <https://archive.org/details/FloraOfAssam11/mode/2up?view=theater> Vol I
   (Part I) by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das

~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
written in: *Devanagari* (हिन्दी) ... spoken in: *Uttar Pradesh*,
*Bihar*, *Madhya
Pradesh*, Rajasthan
*वातनाशिनी vatanasini*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... UMARANI, B. & K, Saravanan, &
   BEGAM, A.. (2022). THERAPEUTICS ROLE OF Naravelia zeylanica AND THEIR
   UTTAR PRADESH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 369-374. 10.56557/upjoz/2022/v43i243334.
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Mikawlrawng K, Rani R, Kumar S,
   Bhardwaj AR, Prakash G. Anti-paralytic medicinal plants - Review.
   <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5755955/> J Tradit
   Complement Med. 2017 Mar 9;8(1):4-10. doi: 10.1016/j.jtcme.2017.02.001.
   PMID: 29321983; PMCID: PMC5755955.

~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
written in: *Kannada* (ಕನ್ನಡ) ... spoken in: *Karnataka*
*ಅಗ್ನಿಬಳ್ಳಿ agniballi, ಅರಗಿನಬಳ್ಳಿ araginaballi*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... P S Udayan - Floristic
   inventory in the seven medicinal plants conservation areas MPCAs of
   Karnataka, India
   - Shodhganga

*ಚರಚರ ಬಳ್ಳಿ charachara balli*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Subrahmanya, Prasad K - Exploration
   and elucidation of traditional medicinal plants of erstwhile Tulunadu and
   surrounding area of Kerala and Karnataka
   - Shodhganga
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... S G Narsimhachar - Latin and
   Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore
   <http://mdl.mandayamsabha.in/uploads/book/bk_1605597283.pdf> - Mandayam
   Digital Library

*ನಾಕ್ ಚಿಕನಿ naak chikani*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... S G Narsimhachar - Latin and
   Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore
   <http://mdl.mandayamsabha.in/uploads/book/bk_1605597283.pdf> - Mandayam
   Digital Library

~~~~~ KARBI ~~~~~
written in: *Roman* ... spoken in: *Arunachal Pradesh*, Assam, Meghalaya,
Nagaland ... other names for this language: Mikir or Arleng
*khoro-soi-rikang, nongnongbiki-ringkang*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Flora of Assam
   <https://archive.org/details/FloraOfAssam11/mode/2up?view=theater> Vol I
   (Part I) by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das

~~~~~ KHASI ~~~~~
written in: *Latin* (Khasi alphabet), Bengali-Assamese ... spoken in:
*Meghalaya*, Assam

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Flora of Assam
   <https://archive.org/details/FloraOfAssam11/mode/2up?view=theater> Vol I
   (Part I) by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das

~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
written in: *Devanagari*, *Kannada*, Malayalam, Urdu, Roman ... spoken in:
*Goa*, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala
*नरवेल naravel*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Flora of Goa
   <http://www.goafoundation.org/biodiversity/annexure6a.htm> - webpage no
   longer available

~~~~~ LEPCHA ~~~~~
written in: *Lepcha* (or Róng), Tibetan ... spoken in: *Sikkim*, West

   - the name needs to be rendered in native script
   - The Useful Plants of India
   Publications & Information Directorate, CSIR

~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
written in: *Malayalam* (മലയാളം) ... spoken in: *Kerala*
*എരിവള്ളി erivalli, പൊഴന്തലച്ചി pozhantalachi, വാതംകൊല്ലി vaathamkhaalli,
വാതക്കൊടി vaathakkodi*

   - വിക്കിപീഡിയ
   - സ്വതന്ത്രസർവ്വവിജ്ഞാനകോശം

*കരുപ്പക്കൊടി karuppakkoti, തലവേദനവള്ളി thalavedanavalli*

   - വിക്കിപീഡിയ
   - സ്വതന്ത്രസർവ്വവിജ്ഞാനകോശം
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... FRLHT's ENVIS Centre on
   Medicinal Plants

~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
written in: *Devanagari* (मराठी) ... spoken in: *Maharashtra*, Karnataka
*नरवेल naravel*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... A dictionary, Marathi and
   English <https://dsal.uchicago.edu/dictionaries/molesworth/> by
   Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas)
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... The Gazetteer Department
... महाराष्ट्रातील
   वनस्पतीशास्त्र आणि वनसंपदा

~~~~~ MISHING ~~~~~
written in: *Assamese*, Devanagari, Latin ... spoken in: *Assam* ... other
names for this language: Mising, Plains Miri
*ৰামনাম ৰিবে ramnam-riube*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Many thanks to Brahmananda
   Patiri for help with this name ... facebook
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Flora of Assam
   <https://archive.org/details/FloraOfAssam11/mode/2up?view=theater> Vol I
   (Part I) by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das

~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
written in: *Devanagari* (नेपाली) ... spoken in: *Nepal*, *West Bengal*,
*Assam*, *Sikkim*
*रसगार्गी rasagaargee*

   - Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with this name ...
   efloraofindia <https://groups.google.com/g/indiantreepix/c/niYbYWaM9DU>
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Annotated Checklist of the
   Flowering Plants of Nepal
   - or *रसगाग्रि rasagaagri* ... for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ...
   Sharma, U.K., Pegu, S. - Ethnobotany of religious and supernatural
   beliefs of the Mising tribes of Assam with special reference to the 'Dobur
   Uie'. <https://doi.org/10.1186/1746-4269-7-16> - J Ethnobiology
   Ethnomedicine 7, 16 (2011).

~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
written in: *Devanagari* (संस्कृतम्) ... used all over India by priests and
*धनवल्ली dhanavalli*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... FRLHT's ENVIS Centre on
   Medicinal Plants
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Subrahmanya, Prasad K - Exploration
   and elucidation of traditional medicinal plants of erstwhile Tulunadu and
   surrounding area of Kerala and Karnataka
   - Shodhganga

*कृशानुग krshanuga*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... ॥ विकिशब्दकोशः॥
   स्वतन्त्रः संस्कृतशब्दकोशः

~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
written in: *Tamil* (தமிழ்) ... spoken in: *Tamil Nadu*
*வாதம்கொல்லி vatamkolli*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... FRLHT's ENVIS Centre on
   Medicinal Plants

~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
written in: *Telugu* ( తెలుగు) ... spoken in: *Andhra Pradesh*, *Telangana*
*కారు పిప్పల తివ్వ karu pippala tivva, ముక్కు పీనాస తీగ mukku peenasa
teega, పుల్ల బచ్చల pulla bachala*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Flora Andhrika
   <https://floraandhrika.blogspot.com/search?q=Naravelia+zeylanica> -
   Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India
   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... FRLHT's ENVIS Centre on
   Medicinal Plants

~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
written in: *Kannada*, Malayalam ... spoken in: *Karnataka*, north Kerala
*ತರೆಕುತ್ತುಥ ಬಳ್ಳು tharekutthutha ballu*

   - for *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... Subrahmanya, Prasad K - Exploration
   and elucidation of traditional medicinal plants of erstwhile Tulunadu and
   surrounding area of Kerala and Karnataka
   - Shodhganga

Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Meghalaya, ***Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
West Bengal

   - Hassler, Michael (2004 - 2023): World Plants. Synonymic Checklist and
   Distribution of the World Flora.
   Version 17.2; last update Oct. 24th, 2023. Last accessed 30/10/2023.

*** no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state
~~~~~ Last updated: 31-10-2023 ~~~~~

Names compiled / updated at


On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 6:18 PM Dinesh Valke <dinesh.va...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Names compiled / updated at
> https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2023/10/clematis-zeylanica-l-poir.html
> Regards.
> Dinesh
> On Tuesday, 2 August 2016 at 18:50:00 UTC+5:30 JM Garg wrote:
>> Very nice, Dinesh ji
>> On 2 Aug 2016 16:21, "Dinesh Valke" <dinesh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> via Species
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-species>‎ > ‎N
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-species/n>‎ > ‎
>>> *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... *family*: Ranunculaceae
>>> [image: Naravelia zeylanica (L.) DC.]
>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Fdinesh_valke%2F28634580166%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzcK1MIHTXnq2KcusLM022cDYvbdDQ>
>>> [image: Flowers of India]
>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flowersofindia.net%2F&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzdEUi5RcME-5KFvyuI0750VckgxxA>
>>>  [image: Discussions at efloraofindia]
>>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/indiantreepix/Naravelia%20zeylanica>
>>>  [image: more views in flickr]
>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fsearch%2F%3Fq%3DNaraveliazeylanica%26m%3Dtags%26z%3Dm&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzesmgW6bRtdodNix67SyG9PB3Mbpg>
>>>  [image: more views on Google Earth]
>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.flickr.com%2Fservices%2Ffeeds%2Fgeo%2Findia%2F%26tags%3DNaraveliazeylanica%26format%3Dkml_nl&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzelFZpU2Sl8v2T2gpT8sNSGmVATYA>
>>> ¿ *nah-RA-way-lee-uh* ? -- from *narawael*, the Singhalese name for 
>>> *Naravelia
>>> zeylanica* ... HAND-BOOK OF THE INDIAN FLORA
>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fkrishikosh.egranth.ac.in%2Fbitstream%2F1%2F2027907%2F1%2F264787.pdf&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzedPMIvgsCFDZrrE7uRogFq2Ehd-A>
>>> *zey-LAN-ee-kuh* -- of or from Ceylon (Sri Lanka) ... Dave's Botanary
>>> <http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdavesgarden.com%2Fguides%2Fbotanary%2Fsearch.php%3Fsearch_text%3Dzeylanica&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzdTJwM88Q96qOPhXH-qHe3ql9OdVA>
>>> *commonly known as*: Ceylon naravelia
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/english/ceylon-naravelia>
>>>  • *Bengali*: ছাগলবাটি chagalabati
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/bengali/chagalabati-chagalabati>
>>>  • *Konkani*: नरवेल naravel
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/konkani/naravela-naravel>
>>>  • *Malayalam*: എരിവള്ളി erivalli
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/malayalam/erivalli-erivalli>
>>> , കരുപ്പക്കൊടി karuppakkoti
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/malayalam/karuppakkeati-karuppakkoti>
>>> ,തലവേദനവള്ളി talavedanavalli
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/malayalam/talavedanavalli-talavedanavalli>
>>> , പൊഴന്തലച്ചി polantalacci
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/malayalam/pealantalacci-polantalacci>
>>> , വാതംകൊല്ലി vatankolli
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/malayalam/vatankealli-vatankolli>
>>> , വാതക്കൊടി vatakkoti
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/malayalam/vatakkeati-vatakkoti>
>>>  • *Marathi*: नरवेल naravel
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/marathi/naravela-naravel>
>>>  • *Sanskrit*: धनवल्ली dhanavalli
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/sanskrit/dhanavalli-dhanavalli>
>>> , कृशानुग krshanuga
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/sanskrit/krsanuga-krshanuga>
>>>  • *Tamil*: வாதம்கொல்லி vatamkolli
>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/indiannamesofplants/via-names/tamil/vatamkolli-vatamkolli>
>>> *botanical names*: *Naravelia zeylanica* (L.) DC. ... *synonyms*: *Atragene
>>> zeylanica* L. • *Clematis zeylanica* (L.) Poir. ... NPGS / GRIN
>>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fnpgsweb.ars-grin.gov%2Fgringlobal%2Ftaxonomydetail.aspx%3F25019&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFrqEzerTuI_G9NxUXdh5pYMmKf-uAW3hg>
>>> December 26, 2014 ... Agumbe
>>> Regards.
>>> Dinesh
>>> --
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