Nice catch of Kajhur

On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:42 PM, mani nair <> wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Sending photos of date palm.
> Name : Phoenix dactylifera
> Common name of fruit :  Date  (English)   Khajur (Hindi)
> Place  : Mount Abu, Rajasthan
> Date   :  14.11.2010
> Others :  Seen in arid areas of Gujerat and Rajasthan.
>                Date fruit is considered as an ideal food containing most of
> the essential nutrients like pottassium.
>               The flowers of the date palm are edible.  Seeds of date are
> ground and mixed in flour during the time of scarcity.
>               Date palms are tapped for the sweet sap called Nira which is
> converted to palm jaggery.
> Regards,
> Mani.

*Tanay Bose*
Research Assistant & Teaching Assistant.
Department of Botany.
University of British Columbia .
3529-6270 University Blvd.
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 (Canada)
Phone: 778-323-4036 (Mobile)
           604-822-2019 (Lab)
           604-822-6089  (Fax)

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