Very informative and important information, even for qualified

On Jan 17, 4:03 am, Pankaj Kumar <> wrote:
> Hope you will like reading this!!
> All taxonomists and botanists must have heard of the term TYPE and 
> When you describe a plant or animal for the first time, you have to
> refer to a specimen, which according to ICBN [Vienna Code (Article
> 37.4)] for plants, should be a specimen in any form preserved at any
> herbaria in the world. And you have to mention this information along
> with the name of the herbaria and the voucher number in the manuscript
> you have published using the word "type" or "holotype" or "holo" etc.
> But during early times, there was no such provision and people used to
> describe new species without citing any specimens. Hence in ICBN there
> is an option of LECTOTYPIFICATION. In this you designate a type or
> nomenclatural type for the particular taxa. This procedure is called
> Lectotypification and the specimen is called Lectotype and then there
> are rules for designating the lectotype.
> From 1735 onwards, Carl von Linné, Latinized as Carolus Linnæus,
> published his famous work, Systema Naturae in many editions. For those
> who are unaware, this book contains classification of animals too. By
> 10th edition in 1758 he had divided Animal Kingdom into 6 groups and
> he has described human beings in binomials as Homo sapiens but as for
> most of his plants, he never designated a type for Homo sapiens.
> So a lecotype for Homo sapiens was designated 300 years later in 1959.
> Big question is, what was the lectotype for Homo sapiens L.??
> Answers is "Carl von Linné"
> Regards
> Pankaj
> --
> ***********************************************
> Pankaj Kumar Ph.D. (Orchidaceae)
> Research Associate
> Greater Kailash Sacred Landscape Project
> Department of Habitat Ecology
> Wildlife Institute of India
> Post Box # 18
> Dehradun - 248001, India

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