Based on species already posted and expected one a simple key for woody species of Euphorbia is presented
Perhaps we can expand the key for woody succulent species of Euphorbia as under: Stems unarmed; without stipular spines Leaves shorter than 10 cm, uniformally green Stem and leaves uniformly red, leaves in whorls of three, petiole almost as long as blade...............................................E. cotoniifolia Stem and leaves green, leaves alternate, petiole much shorter than blade Leaves shorter than 2 cm, less than 2 mm broad, branches straight, mostly leafless (leaves early deciduous).............E. tirucalli Leaves longer than 3 cm, more than 2 cm broad, branches zigzag, mostly with leaves..............................................E. tithymaloides Leaves longer than 10 cm; uniformally or partly coloured Leaves below the inflorescence uniformally coloured (red, white or yellow); leaves not lobed.......................................E. pulcherrima Leaves below the inflorescence coloured only at base; leaves lobed or not Base of upper leaves pale green or pale white; leaves lobed or not.......................................................................E. heterophylla Base of upper leaves red; leaves lobed..............................................................................................................E. cyathophora Stems armed with spines Spines borne on stem, usually longer than 1 cm...............................................................................................................E. milii Spines borne on raised shield, usually shorter than 1 cm Stem rounded, not angled or winged Shrub wiithout trunk with branches arising from base, smaller leaves (3-8 cm long) and longer spines 0.5-1 cm.................E caducifolia Tree with distinct trunk, leaves 10-25 cm long, spines shorter than 0.5 cm.......................................................................E. nivulia). Stem angled or winged Angles not produced into wing, spirally arranged:...................................................................................................... E. neriifolia Angles produced into wings Wings 3-4 The wings running straight, sinuate, regularly dentate Stems green without white bands..........................................................................................:........E. antiquorum Stems white wholly or partially The stems with white bands on faces Apex of stem not cristate (without crowns at tips).........................................................E. lactea Apex of stem cristate (with crowns at tips)....................................................................E lactea cv. Cristata The stems uniformly greyish white.......................................................................................E. lactea cv. White Ghost The wings running spirally, ................................................................................................................................E. tortilis Wings 5-6, undulate..................................................................................................................................................E. royleana -- Dr. Gurcharan Singh Retired Associate Professor SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018. Phone: 011-25518297 Mob: 9810359089