Many of the taxonomy description of this mushroom go well together with 

Thanks Tanay, as always.

Wiki Ref:

Pholiota flammans often has a striking appearance.  [OK] 
The cap is initially round, then convex and finally flattening with age.  [OK] 
Its surface is bright yellow to orange, and covered with triangular scales 
(squamules) arranged in concentric rings. [OK]  triangular scales (squamules) 
arranged in concentric rings -faintly visible/blurr in my pictures. Sorry, I 
could not capture these finer details, My camera focus system has stopped 
working from an year, just managing the show.

The cap surface is dry, matt and felt-like, and in wet conditions may lose 
scales. [OK] The cap margin remain curved slightly inwards. [~OK] 
The yellow gills are crowded together, attached to the stem, and have a notch 
where the gill attaches to the stem.[9 . [OK] 
]A bright yellow partial veil extending from the cap edge to the edge is 
in immature species. As the cap expands and flattens with age, the partial veil 
tears, leaving a faint ring around the stem.[OK] 
 The cylindrical straight or curved stem is itself covered in yellow squamules 
below the ring.[OK] 
 The base of the stem, typically more orange in color than the upper 
portion,[9] [OK] 
 is firmly attached to the dead wood from which the fungus arises. [Solitary 
mushroom growing along the leaf litter.  No trees were found near by for 
5-8 meters]
The section of stem above the ring bears little or no protuberances. 
The flesh is firm, full, yellow and does not change color when bruised or 
The dimensions of the fruit body are as follows: cap diameter up to 8 cm 
(3.1 in), [I have mentioned 9cms [OK] ]
 stem up to 12 cm (4.7 in) tall [I have written 8-10cms]
and between 0.4 to 1 cm (0.2 to 0.4 in) cm thick.[12] [OK] 
 As the fruit body matures, the gills darken to cinnamon brown 
following sporerelease. The spore mass is colored brown to rust.
Unknown edibility. Majority consider indedible [ I am yet to taste mushrooms]

Thanks again, for the identification work.



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